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masters of sex, masters of love
2014/01/03 22:10:00瀏覽1069|回應1|推薦1

"I finally realized there's one thing I can't live without ........"you"

這是"Masters of Sex"第一季最後一集(12)的最後一句台詞, 性學大師首席婦科醫生男主角Dr. William Master 跟女主角前任助理Ms Virgina Johnson 的告白....(真會忍, 暗戀助理12集最後才講....i can not offer you anything, but the Truth. The truth is I can't live without you.....)

苦苦又甜甜的...Bittersweet...its Science

Masters of Sex, 是真人真事改編的. 真實的是Master 在1957遇見Johnson. Master僱用Johnson 任研究助理. 實際真人研究Human Sexuality...Master 在1971跟老婆離婚與Johnson 結婚. 不過也在1992離婚. ...This is real story..見下真圖. 

搬上Movie 是這樣演的, 前面幾集太focus 在研究sex study . 後面幾集才開始focus在sex 心里層面的親密關係intimacy

Master 是一直暗戀他的助理, 還與女助理"假公濟私"參加"實體研究"...邊研究邊ox. 還說climax , oh. resoultion periord..

最後還會說"its science..let's do it again~"Virgina 是那種將性跟愛分開的人. 帥哥Dr Ethan Hass迷戀他. Virgina 也只覺得只是sex 沒有愛. 請帥哥Dr Ethan Hass 別在迷戀他...

不過Master自己覺得佔了助理Virgina便宜(做了22次且身上貼了很多心電圖電線, they never Kiss).兩人"實驗"結束後, Virgina助理邀Willaim老闆出去吃個點心, 沒心腸的William冷冷回說他要趕去跟老婆late dinner. 留下Virgina 深夜一人孤獨的坐在公車站下等巴士回家. 

He take advantage on her. 有天包了錢在信封帶給Virgina.這也讓她 後來說 i'm quit.

Master : "Take the money"

Virgina Johnson 說:"i never felt smaller, when you gave me money..you felt guilty, you had formed an attachment to me. We are having a affair. and you let emotional clouded your judgement.

"當你給我錢時, 我從來沒有感覺如此卑微, 因為你有罪惡感, 你對我有依戀(attachment), 我們兩有婚外情了, 你竟然感情用事(老闆你太不專業了)"


讓William睡不好覺, 他太太幫他在office接電話也發現, 某實驗case 某男一直與某女實驗22次(其實test n 要30 以上才行) ,sex study 都沒有換別人, 他太太說"They must've fallen in Love" William回說“I don’t know. That question lay outside our area of inquiry.”  我的問卷調查沒這題.( 哼!!)

Virgina Johnson 就依靠了先前對她很mean的另一個女Dr. 老師.因為這女Dr. 太一板一眼, 但又需要funding 做子宮頸研究. Johnson建議對男主管應該用另一種approach說..You'll catch more flies with honey . let's charm them down.

帥哥Dr Hanns 跟William Master都跟Virgina Johnson 因為sex而產生Love,兩個Dr愛Virgina Johnson

但這Virgina Johnson 真的是個比男人還冷靜理智的女人...

sex study it's science !! Oh Men!

公與私William都離不開Virgina, 依賴她很重. Virgina一直提醒William別focus太多在顯不顯著的data, more vivi  story will attract people attentions.

所以Virgina離職後, 可以看出來William講那句"i can't live without you"

Dr Ethan Hass 對Virgina 說" let me carry all your worry, you can go to school finish your degree or stay at home. " what a sweet guy he is...

前幾天在N Y times看見一篇"女性性慾葯 "文章說

"男人用的Viagra威爾剛是對動脈起作用, 引發的是使陰莖勃起的生理變化。而女性性慾葯是一種截然不同的藥物。它調整的是大腦主要的和負責執行的區域, 它將進達靈魂深處...."

我心想一個體貼入微情人的甜言蜜語的功效勝過這些sex drugs藥吧~ 

Yes, a little charm will do~

You give your hand to me

And then you say hello

And I can hardly speak

My heart is beating so

And anyone can tell

You think you know me well

But you don't know me

No you don't know the one

Who dreams of you at night

And longs to kiss your lips Longs to hold you tight

Oh I am just a friend

That's all I've ever been

Cause you don't know me

I never knew the art of making love

No my heart aches with love for you

Afraid and shy I let my chance go by

The chance that you might love me too

You give your hand to me

And then you say goodbye

I watch you walk away the sad lucky guy

Oh you will never know

The one who loves you so

Well you don't know me

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nana sewing
2014/01/08 20:45
Youtube 是Lizzy Caplan演Virgina Johnson本人唱" You don't know me".....她才31歲, 身高163cm, 腰只有23", 所以顯的身材很好.