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Spring Motivations-25 Frugal Ways To Enjoy Spring
2014/03/16 18:44:44瀏覽380|回應0|推薦0

 雨快停, 我想種花ㄚ,
雨快停, 我想車包ㄚ,
雨快停, 我想買春裝ㄚ,
雨快停, 我想健走ㄚ,
雨快停, 我想找妳喝咖啡ㄚ,

雨停了~oh ~yeh~

中央大學健行 (黑色外套是妹妹送女兒最後是我在穿, nike步鞋已穿五年了) or 普仁國小盪鞦韆(Jo不講話跟她玩的一年級小朋友以為她大班) = 0nt

 "Honey, i found you....you never leave here... After sew many years....we are now together"..中間右邊那隻白色teddy bear前天在卡梅爾遇見(few hunred). 左邊灰咖色的teddy bear是6年前在卡梅爾買的. ..總算~新的teddy bear跟舊舊的teddy bear是match好朋友的~
客廳挑高, 所以在沙發看書時, 燈源不足, 想買個大立燈, 想想還是作罷~今日下午將窗台區整理清潔後,

原2f網咖舊立燈般至1F, 但底部壞了,站不住,只好斜線,但又會刺眼,隨便手縫一塊布於鬆緊帶,梆在燈罩就ok, 不用花錢買立燈了= 0nt

 garden 山杜鵑花開了...桃紅色的真亮麗~

白色情人杯、、nice twing red tea..honey....

右邊下杯是兩三週去小松果買的, 很喜歡~前天再去小松果發現茶壺組, 沒想到新杯跟原舊杯是match的



 25 Frugal Ways To Enjoy Spring=>nana 做了20件

  1. Plan a vacation. If the Winter doldrums didn't inspire any vacation plans, then start planning for a trip this year now. Studies have shown that planning a vacation can bring a lot of joy to the traveler.(跟姐妹约去韓國玩..)
  2. Clean your home so you'll feel better and less stressed in the place you live.(打掃了客廳)
  3. Tend your garden or start one. It's time to celebrate all things green this season!(籬好田, 買了兩盆花, 有空再買草花)
  4. Bring flowers into your home cut fresh from the farmers market.(garden 玫瑰花含苞待放)
  5. Visit a national park nearby to admire nature at its finest.(去中央, 中原就好見圖一nana and jojo)
  6. Run outside to enjoy the fresh air.( i walk a lot)
  7. Shop for your wardrobe, and experiment with clothes you don't usually wear.( buy 5 get 50% on net with my sisters5件打5折的net...竟然逛了2小時...還好net跟潮肉離美華泰都很近)
  8. Try to support your local farmers by purchasing more locally grown food.( buy carrot, took my mom to local farmers新明菜市場跟阿嬤去買阿嬤種的菜)
  9. Go camping for an amazing outdoor experience.
  10. Fly a kite in a park or an open space.
  11. Picnic on the weekends.
  12. Borrow a book on nature from the library, and learn more about a specific topic, like birds or plants.( i borrow fews from central university.老公不在家, 他的枕頭都是書..道家精神, 苦玲離島散步..不然就是sewing books..哈)
  13. Redecorate your work desk in Spring colors.(yes, i did it with lovely cups)
  14. Try to add some color to your home by putting up a new decal or getting a colorful throw for your sofa.( i use flora fabric to decorate it)
  15. Visit the zoo, the pound, or a pet owner's home to interact with animals.
  16. Read books outdoors.
  17. Make cocktails, and enjoy them on the patio.
  18. Organize a barbecue.( i ate 潮肉 with my sisters this sat)
  19. Ride a bike.
  20. Watch a movie that's been highly anticipated to debut this Spring.
  21. Get a haircut. ( i dyed my hair to winered)
  22. Visit a farm.
  23. Go to a meditation class to renew yourself.
  24. Invest in a new piece of makeup.( bought 2 for 399 cream, used to 299 for one)
  25. Send a letter or cheery greeting card to a friend.( i sent a email to my husband he was in Shanghai for 3 weeks..)
    Read more: http://www.savvysugar.com/Frugal-Ways-Enjoy-Spring-28601338#ixzz2w7ae2mlb
( 休閒生活美食 )
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