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贊助「雷藏之音」 歡喜功德入佛心
Be a sponsor of Sound of Leizang – Enter the Buddha’s Heart with Joyous Meritorious Deeds

Your support is needed for high-quality audio and video production.

【歡喜自在天「紅財神」】Nandikeśvara - Red Jambhala (Ganesha)

紅財神亦稱為「藏密資糧主」,主敬愛與賜財富,修持供養者,皆能如這尊紅財神般,人見人歡喜,人事敬愛和合, 大財獲得永富足,再施法財濟眾生。
Red Jambhala (Ganesha), known as the “Lord of Provisions in Tibetan Tantrism,” presides over granting love, respect, and wealth. People who practice offerings will become well-liked and foster respectful and harmonious relationships. They will also be blessed with an eternal abundance of great wealth, which they will use to benefit sentient beings.
【雷藏之音功德主方案】Sound of Leizang - Merit Holders Program

We sincerely invite all cultivation venues, disciples, and everyone to sponsor and support enthusiastically. Together, let us create the inspiring sound of Dharma.

For every USD588 sponsorship, Sound of Leizang will give a token of a statue of Nandikeśvara —Red Jambhala—consecrated and blessed by the Grandmaster.

【方式】Methods of Supporting

Effective from today, we are accepting reservations and sponsorships. Merit holders who have completed the sponsorship will have priority in choosing their preferred statue during the Autumn Ceremony according to their serial number and collect on-site.

2.先免費成為真佛功德總會會員。登入您的會員欄位,再點選「紅財神 雷藏之音功德主方案」,歡迎使用線上信用卡贊助。
Register as a True Buddha Merit Association member for free before logging in to your members profile. Then click on the “Red Jambhala—Sound of Leizang Merit Holders Program.” You are welcome to sponsor online using a credit card.

3.贊助網址 Sponsorship website:https://tbsfoundation.com/tbsbn/site/sponsorplan

4.或掃描二維碼 Or scan the QR code

5.20240825彩虹雷藏寺護摩法會 閃亮登場
Making a sparkling appearance on August 25, 2024, at Rainbow Temple Homa Ceremony

【活動聯繫人】 Event Contact Person

美國、加拿大及歐洲時區:U.S., Canada and European time zones:
宗委會辦事處-1 TBF-SEA
True Buddha Foundation Office-1 TBF-SEA
電話 Phone/WhatsApp: +1-6047266518
LINE ID:tbf-seattle

台灣、亞洲及其它時區:Taiwan, Asia and other time zones:
宗委會辦事處-2 TBF-TWN
True Buddha Foundation Office-2 TBF-TWN
電話 Phone/WhatsApp: +886-965352639
LINE ID:tbf0965352639twn



[Copyright Notice]
Sound of Leizang created the “Red Jambhala” image for this event to raise funds to promote True Buddha Schools audio-visual projects. Users shall not amend, publish, broadcast, resell, reproduce, alter, distribute, perform, or display the image for profit without the consent and authorization of Sound of Leizang. Users must respect the copyright holder and comply with all relevant copyright laws. Any infringement will result in civil and criminal liability according to the law.



🐯 星期二晚上9點30分有讀書會直播歡迎參加!

🐯 風中之花,原來就是雪在風中飄落!

🐯 師尊文集【南山的風花】「序南山的風花」、「來自《小星星》的人」、「化小愛為大愛」【活佛之歌】(選讀)(第1615集),請連結


歡迎在影片下方小鈴鐺圖示旁按【訂閱】,成為會員,將會收到最新影片通知喔 !





歡迎蒞臨【 真佛天空新聞台總網站】



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