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Autism's Lone Wolf
2011/08/24 11:51:00瀏覽242|回應0|推薦0
In 1999, Brian Hughes, a San Antonio–based tech entrepreneur, discovered that his 13-year-old son, a brilliant boy who had nonetheless struggled socially and in school, had Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism.

With this revelation, his parents and teachers were better able to meet his needs, and after attending a public high school for gifted children, he followed in his mother's and father's footsteps by attending MIT and then went on to a successful career as a computer programmer.

The story might have ended there, except that shortly after his son's diagnosis, Hughes became president of the MIT alumni association.......

When Baron-Cohen began his work in the 1980s, the conditions was believed to be only one out of 2500 kids. Today in 110 is thought to be in this spectrum...

For further reading, please see:
The Time Magazine2011 (AUG29 ISSUE)
( 時事評論教育文化 )
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