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2010/10/04 06:50:20瀏覽3649|回應0|推薦19


(New Zealand Superannuation)


近年來,有許多朋友詢問到紐西蘭老年年金事宜,或許因為多年前,筆者任紐西蘭基督城社兩屆會訊主編時,曾為文介紹有關老年年金的申請要件、年金數額等,今許多人問起,特別整理如次,供參考。(2010 09整理自紐西蘭官方網站http://www.workandincome.govt.nz)

New Zealand Superannuation (NZ Super) is a pension paid by the State to most New Zealand residents from age 65 until death(年滿65歲至終生,由國家給予).


·         Who qualifies?

·         How much is it?

·         Is NZ Super guaranteed into the future?

·       What happens to your Superannuation …. when you go overseas?已支領老年年金出國時怎辦?

Who qualifies?

To be eligible for NZ Super you need to be aged 65 or over and a legal resident of New Zealand, having lived here for ten years since age 20. Five of those years have to be since you turned age 50.


·  are aged 65 or over(65歲或超過)

·  are a New Zealand citizen(公民) or permanent resident(永久居留權居民)

·  normally live in New Zealand at the time you apply(申請時居住在紐西蘭).

You must also have been resident and present in New Zealand for a total of 10 years since you turned 20 years of age (and 5 of those years must be since you turned 50) (至少20歲後,在紐西蘭住滿10年,但其中的5年需在50歲以後), unless, when you were overseas you were(但書情況):

  • having special medical or surgical treatment or
  • doing vocational training or
  • working as a missionary or
  • working with Volunteer Service Abroad or
  • serving in one of the Commonwealth's armed forces or
  • working overseas and paid tax in New Zealand on the earnings from that work or
  • working on a New Zealand owned or registered ship trading to and from here.

If you spent time overseas, you must usually have been living here before and after you were overseas, unless you spent time in Australia, Britain, Jersey, Guernsey, Canada, Denmark, the Republic of Ireland, Greece or the Netherlands. That may also count as time lived here in terms of getting your Super.

How much is it?

The level of payment is reviewed each year and is adjusted to take account of increases in cost of living (inflation) and wages. When wages increase, NZ Super is adjusted so that it stays between 66% to 72.5% of average ordinary time earnings after tax. This means for couples both over 65, their pensions, after tax, will not fall below 66% of the average ordinary time wage after tax. For single people the pension is about 40% of that average wage.

View the current after-tax rates for NZ Super.

附表 紐西蘭老年年金現行支付數額表

New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension (current)

Below are the New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension rates at 1 April 2010. The net rates are after tax at "M" or "S"(稅率).

"M" tax code


Weekly rate

Fortnightly payment (net)

Annual rate (gross)



Single, living alone





Single, sharing





Married person or partner in a civil union or de facto relationship





Married or in a civil union or de facto relationship, both qualify











Married or in a civil union or de facto relationship, non-qualified partner included on or after 1 October 1991











Married, non-qualified partner included before 1 October 1991











Partner in rest home, with non-qualified partner





Hospital rate





Is NZ Super guaranteed into the future?

No, future pension payments are not guaranteed, but Parliament needs to approve any signficant change. New Zealand has had a form of state-funded retirement income for over one hundred years. Eligibility, payment levels and other conditions have changed many times over that period. The changes have reflected different political views as well as changes in New Zealand's society, economy, the labour market and other factors.

The present government's policy is to retain the existing entitlements for the foreseeable future. Comments from other major parties suggest that changes for people currently in and near retirement are unlikely.

However, there are aspects of retirement income policy which continue to be debated. As governments change and society's views change no one can rule out the possibility of future amendments.

We can't foresee what those changes will be. Our expectation is that any possible changes would:

·       be widely debated and come under close public scrutiny

·       need to be supported by a majority of New Zealanders to get parliamentary support

·       be introduced in stages to protect the financial security of those in or near retirement

·       be made with plenty of notice so people planning for retirement can make appropriate arrangements.


What happens to your Superannuation and Veteran’s pension when you go overseas?已支領老年年金出國時怎辦?

If you receive New Zealand Superannuation or the Veteran’s Pension, you can go anywhere in the world and you may still be able to take up to 100 per cent of your gross payment with you. What you’ll get depends on where you go to and how long you’ve resided in New Zealand.


The rules that will apply to you will depend on where you want to go, how long you go for and whether you intend to travel overseas for a holiday or overseas experience, or if you intend reside in an overseas country.

1.Travelling 26 weeks or less(出國半年內,仍支領原數額老年年金)

You can go overseas on a holiday or travel for 26 weeks or less and if you already receive New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension, your payments can continue as normal. You should contact us before you travel and then contact us again when you return.

If you're already getting  New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension, your payments can continue as if you were in New Zealand for the first 26 weeks, provided that (Your New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension payments continue as normal.):

·         you return to New Zealand within 30 weeks

·         you normally live in New Zealand.

2.Unexpected delays

If you planned to return to New Zealand within 30 weeks but are unable to, you may be able to be paid for the first 26 weeks  of your travel if you were unable to return due to circumstances beyond your control or that you could not have foreseen before you left New Zealand. This can include:

·         aircraft breakdowns

·         bereavement

·         illness/injury to you, your partner or relatives

You may be asked to provide proof of the circumstances which have delayed or prevented your return.

If you don’t return and we don’t hear from you within 30 weeks of leaving New Zealand you may need to pay back the money we paid you since you left.


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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