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2012/01/16 12:56:28瀏覽157|回應0|推薦16 | |
If the whole existence is one, and if the existence goes on taking care of trees, of animals, of mountains, of oceans — from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star — then it will take care of you too. Why be possessive? The possessiveness shows simply one thing — that you cannot trust existence. You have to arrange separate security for yourself, safety for yourself; you cannot trust existence. Non-possessiveness is basically trust in existence. There is no need to possess, because the whole is already ours. -Osho 如果,這整個「存在」是一體的, 如果,這整個「存在」不斷地照顧樹木、動物、 山巒與海洋-- 從一片渺小的葉子到偉大的星辰-- 那麼,它也會照顧你。 有什麼需要你佔有的呢? 佔有欲只顯示了一件事情, 那就是你無法信任「存在」。 所以,你必須為自己安排生活保障、預防措施; 你無法信任「存在」。 不佔有,基本上是指信任「存在」, 不需要佔有,因為,這整個「存在」已經是我們的了。 -奧修 |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |