說實在的, 作為一位法官,周占春是非常的不智. 且不管他是否与綠營有瓜連,作為–位中華民國的法官 吃的,住的,連他的老婆孩子都是人民的稅金在供養,他竟 不顧這些去討好一位只知要錢的錢總統.著實人令難解。 目前,世界的經濟景氣這樣差,台灣的人民卻要浪費一大堆 的社會成本去化在陳水扁–個人的身上,實在不合算.最好的辦法,是老馬趕快打一個電話給王部長,『喂、王 大小姐, 這馬子事,就不要再拖下去,再拖下去,我看全民 都沒有飯吃了。麻煩成立一個最高檢察官与最高特別法庭 把這當 子事交專人專職去管,我們大家趕快拼經濟吧!』
最高檢察官& 最高特別法庭 to take over the present investigation & court proceeding on the indictment of ex-President in a regular Court. .....Based on definition of special prosecutor: A special prosecutor generally is a lawyer from outside the government appointed by an attorney general or Congress to investigate a government official and/or ex-President for misconduct. A reasoning for such an appointment is that the governmental branch or agency may have political connections to those it might be asked to investigate. Inherently, this creates a conflict of interest and a solution is to have someone from outside the department lead the investigation. The term "special prosecutor" may have a variety of meanings from one country to the next, from one government branch to the next within the same country, and within different agencies within each government branch. .....2008-12-20 02:43 | fai.....司法院人事處長掌握一般法官的考勤、任免、遷調、獎懲等,據了解,2003年1月左右,周占春在人事處長任內,司法院曾經公布懲處積延怠惰法官名單,並將這批法官送交公懲會審議。從某方面來說,可顯示周當時權勢之大,另一方面來說,也確實因此而得罪不少人。..... Gentlemen: U just wait and see. The follow up will be more excited than the present development. All 法官 is an individual who has love and hatred. The unjustified personnel during 周占春在人事處長任內 will come back to hunt 周占春 to make an even. Time will tell my prediction.|