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My take on 台北地院撤銷羈押陳水扁!
2008/12/14 02:15:15瀏覽533|回應0|推薦2


After read the statement made by陳水扁/2008.12.13  I can not help siting back in
my armchair with a kind of mixed feeling. A feeling of disappointment rage and
dissatisfaction overwhelmingly embraced me with commotion that for a while I
could not get over with it.

I strongly believe that there is a justice in the universe. A justice that you may not
be able to see but you could eventually  be able to witness the outcome
either by yourself or by next generation. In this incidence, I do not see that justice
will be served in my life time.

From my perspective the case of  陳水扁's graft as ex-President of the Republic
of China is done deal. It is an unprecedented crime in history.Yet from what
ever the process  and development so farI can only see there is a black cloud
over the horizon. The sky is not blue. I can feel the storm is looming and
what lies ahead with a lot of question unanswered.

Judging from the above statement, I have an instinct that some thing had been
maneuvering behind the scene which had been so powerful and staggering.
"邱毅指出,周占春根本是陳水扁埋在司法界的暗樁" news dated the same
 that proved my belief that there appeared a bunch of powerful finks who have
tried to manipulate the system of justice. Will it be the hands of ex-administration
upper class officers who were appointed by then 陳水扁 when he was in power?
It is said that 陳水扁 planted ten thousands of personnel deemed his close
relationship either relatives or 陳水扁's royalists. After Mr. Ma took over the office
Mr. Ma did not make a shakeup of his middle level cabinet.  As a result, these force
have been maneuvering a big come-back by counter attack and take over the
new administration.It was apparent that when Mr. Ma said that he had been ready
for his new Presidency, he was in fact not. He did not have his own crew of
talented personnel for the new administration.

As we see that Mr. Ma's performance for the early half year has been far less
than desired due mainly to the resistance of under current and the hurdle Mr.
Ma did not foresee in his preparation. It is very unfortunate. Being a citizen of
ROC we will have to take it as our fate. I worry that the era of Ma's administration
will end sooner rather than later.  It remains to be seen what would he come up
within another 3 and half years term and live up to people's expectation.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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