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The Trend of Big Unity!
2008/12/16 13:02:16瀏覽532|回應0|推薦2

回應: 馬英九,不必高興太早

From historical point of view, every thing is accumulated through
the time and human error. Look at the world economy as a whole.
You see the worsening economy did not happen over night. Some
one said that it happened from 2003 or even earlier. The same
theory applies to the fate of a country like ROC. Now it looks like
the destiny is heading toward gradual "Big Unity".
It might take a long time  processioning for a couple of decades.
It just started in the late 2008 toward the right direction. In the process
you may encounter the twist and turn just like you are driving to the
destiny through a mountain winding road. You may confront
with rock slide and you will have to make some adjustment. However,
the "Trend" is moving toward that direction and no one could stop that
It requires the intelecturers on both sides to lead the way.
I think that the worry of this blogger is "Much Ado About Nothing".
When you are in the process all you have to do is follow the "TREND".

2008-12-16 12:53 fair
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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