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Revelers hurl tomatoes at each other and streets awash in red pulp in Spanish to
2023/09/03 14:51:37瀏覽69|回應0|推薦3

Revelers hurl tomatoes at each other and streets awash in red pulp in Spanish town’s Tomatina party




Some 15,000 people, including many tourists, pasted each other with tomatoes Wednesday as Spain’s annual “Tomatina” street battle took place in the eastern town of Buñol.

西班牙年度「蕃茄大戰」街頭戰在東部小鎮布尼奧爾舉行,約15000 ——包括許多遊客——週三互抹蕃茄。

Workers on trucks tipped 120 tons of overripe tomatoes into the main street of the town for participants to throw.


The street fight leaves both the street, its houses and participants drenched in red pulp. The town hoses down the area and the revelers shower off within minutes of the hourlong noon battle finishing.


The festival, held on the last Wednesday of August, was inspired by a food fight between local children in 1945 in the town, located in a tomato-producing region.AP



hurl:動詞,通常指憤怒或用力地拋扔。例句:In a fit of temper she hurled the gift across the room.(她一怒之下把禮物扔到房間的另一頭。)

drench:動詞,指使溼透、使淋透。例句:A sudden thunderstorm had drenched them to the skin.(突如其來的雷雨把他們淋透了。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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