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2023/09/02 19:25:34瀏覽115|回應0|推薦0 | |
‘T. rexes’ race to photo finish at Washington state track 著暴龍裝比賽在華盛頓州賽道上以終點攝影決定名次
【摘要2023.8.29.二.自由】◎盧永山 A track for live horse racing in suburban Seattle turned prehistoric over the weekend as more than 200 people ran down the track cloaked in inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur costumes. 這個週末,西雅圖郊區的1條賽馬直播賽道變成史前景象,200多人穿著充氣的暴龍裝在賽道上奔跑。 The 2023 T-Rex World Championships at Emerald Downs — an event that started in 2017 as a pest control company’s team-building activity — ended in a photo finish on August 20, with three competitors hitting the finish line together. 在翡翠唐斯賽馬場舉辦的2023年暴龍世界錦標賽始於2017年,最初是1家害蟲防治公司營造團隊氣氛的活動,8月20日當天因有3名參者一起衝過終點線,最後以終點攝影決定名次。 Ocean Kim took top honors in the 100-yard (91.2-meter) dash after officials agreed Kim, of Kailua, Hawaii, hit the finish wire just ahead of the pack. Second place went to Colton Winegar of Boise, Idaho. Seth Hirschi, of Renton finished in third. 主辦方一致認為,來自夏威夷州凱盧亞的金海洋在100碼(91.2公尺)短跑比賽中領先雄衝過終點線,最終獲得冠軍。第二名是來自愛達荷州博伊西的柯爾頓‧溫尼加爾。來自倫頓的塞斯‧赫斯奇獲得第三名。 The actual T. rex roamed the planet between 65 million and 67 million years ago. A study published two years ago in the journal Science estimated that about 2.5 billion of the dinosaurs ever lived. Hollywood movies such as the “Jurassic Park” franchise have added to the public fascination with the carnivorous creature. 真正的暴龍在6500萬至6700萬年前就在地球上漫遊。2年前發表在《科學》雜誌上的1項研究估計,約25億隻恐龍曾經存活過。《侏羅紀公園》等好萊塢電影增加了公眾對這種肉食性動物的迷戀。 新聞辭典 inflatable:名詞,充氣小艇;形容詞,可充氣的、膨脹的、得意的。例句:I bought a new inflatable mattress for camping.(我買了1張可充氣的床墊用於露營。) carnivorous:形容詞,肉食性的。例句:The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant.(捕蠅草是肉食性植物。) |
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