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Chinese company profits are collapsing like its 2020 again (中國企業盈利正重演2020年的崩盤)
2022/10/29 00:00:55瀏覽197|回應0|推薦1

Chinese company profits are collapsing like its 2020 again




China is suffering one of its worst earnings recessions on record as Beijing’s zero-Covid policy and a real estate crisis take their toll on the country’s listed companies.


More than 4,800 Chinese companies listed in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing have now released their earnings for the first half of the year. It was a bloodbath.


As many as 53% posted a decline in net profit, according to data from Wind and Choice, two major financial information services in the country.


That was almost as bad as 2020, when companies posted their worst earnings season on record as the country came to a near standstill during the initial coronavirus outbreak. Back then, 54% of listed companies saw their profit drop in the first six months.



take a/its toll on:片語,因為某事造成負面影響。例句:The stress has taken its toll on his health.(壓力已經對他的健康造成負面影響。)

bloodbath:名詞,大屠殺;相當嚴重或慘烈的情況。例句:We should take actions to stop this bloodbath.(我們應該採取行動阻止這場大屠殺。)

collapse:動詞,(突然地)大幅下跌;崩潰;失敗。例句:The peace talks have collapsed.(和談已經破裂。)



The Lake of Kings



The lake is located on the border between Germany and Austria. It is nearly eight kilometers long and almost two kilometers across at its widest point. It is surrounded by peaks that seem to shoot out of the waters of the lake itself. The mountains produce an interesting effect — a long, lasting echo. A tradition on the lake is to play a flugelhorn or a trumpet and listen to the notes bounce off the rock face.


border n.
effect n.
echo n.
回音& vi. (聲音)迴盪,迴響

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97

( 時事評論國際 )
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