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Guilty! Law school sends out erroneous admissions emails (我們的疏失!法律學院寄出錯誤的入學通知電郵)
2022/10/16 18:47:02瀏覽82|回應0|推薦0

Guilty! Law school sends out erroneous admissions emails




The Northeastern University School of Law in Boston, Massachusetts, said in a statement it’s guilty of accidentally sending acceptance emails to former and current applicants.


The School blamed a "technical error" for the glitch, saying the erroneous emails went to more than 200 people who applied for admission starting next fall, as well as to nearly 4,000 former applicants, some of whom are already enrolled.


Lakisha Papoutsakis, a single mother, who received the acceptance email, said that she has dreamed of going to law school since she was a child.


She shared the good news with her loved ones before noticing the follow-up email. "I was like, ’Oh my God this is so amazing,’ and then it was like, ’Oh no, sorry, April Fool’s Day,’" she said.AP



glitch:名詞,小差錯、小故障。例句:My new iPhone has been plagued with glitches since its launch.(我的新蘋果手機自開機以來不斷出現小故障。)

erroneous:形容詞,錯誤的。例句:The event led him to leave an erroneous impression on her.(這起事件使他對她留下錯誤的印象。)

enroll:動詞,註冊、參加。例句:He is enrolled as a night school student.(他註冊成為夜間部學生。)



Visiting Clients



WWillie  MMelinda

Melinda picks up a call from a salesman, Willie.

WI was wondering if I could drop by your office and speak to you about our great soaps, shampoos, and other beauty products since I' ll be in your area this week.

MI' m not sure. We already deal with a number of wholesalers for those goods. I don' t think we have a particular need to buy any more of them.

WI understand. However, I' d like to have the chance to change your mind. I think once you see our amazing products, you' ll come around.






drop by + 地方  順道拜訪...

Melisa asked me to drop by her house whenever I was in her neighborhood.

deal with...  應付...;處理...

particular a. 特別的

come around  改變立場;回心轉意

( 時事評論國際 )
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