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A couple recovering from covid couldn’t smell the smoke when their house caught
2022/05/14 10:41:35瀏覽68|回應0|推薦0

A couple recovering from covid couldn’t smell the smoke when their house caught fire. Their toddler saved the family.




Kayla and Nathan Dahl were fast asleep when their toddler approached their bed one recent morning to utter two of the few words he knows so far — words that would save his family from danger.


"Mama, hot," Brandon, who turns 2 on Sunday, said while tugging his mother’s foot.


Initially, Kayla, 28, said she thought her son just wanted his pajamas removed. But seconds later, she realized what her youngest child was trying to tell her: The family’s one-story colonial house in Alvord, Tex., was engulfed in flames.


None of the smoke detectors in their home went off. And the Dahls, who had recently tested positive for the coronavirus, hadn’t been able to smell the smoke filling their home.



fast asleep:片語,熟睡。asleep,形容詞,睡著的。

engulf:動詞,包圍、吞沒、淹沒。例句:The flood rapidly engulfed the entire village.(洪水迅速淹沒整個村莊。)

go off:片語(警報器等)突然發出巨響。例句:The alarm didn’t go off after someone broke into my car last night.(昨晚我的車被人撬開後,警報器沒響。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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