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2020/05/21 23:53:46瀏覽31|回應0|推薦0





Taurus, represented by the bull, is the second sign of the zodiac. People born between April 21 and May 21 are considered to be the most reliable of all the zodiac signs. They also want to experience everything life has to offer.

They can often be found planning trips to chase adventures and taste the best foods. Just like the bull, they work long and hard to help others. Those born under Taurus will do whatever they can for people they love and trust.




Taurus n. 金牛座
represent vt. 象徵,代表
The white dove represents peace and hope.
reliable a. 可信賴的;可靠的


Japan officials cut off thousands of roses to deter gatherings

防止群聚 日本官員剪除數千朵玫瑰


Local authorities in Japan are sacrificing tens of thousands of flowers to deter visitors, as the country attempts to contain the coronavirus outbreak.


Tiptoeing through the tulips or breathing in the scent of roses are popular spring rites in Japan, but there is concern that flower festivals could become the source of new infection clusters.


This week workers began severing the buds of about 3,000 rose bushes at Yono park in Saitama, north of Tokyo, in an attempt to keep flower viewers away.


The local government had already cancelled the annual rose festival, but the park is still open to the public, prompting the decision to rid the venue of its main attraction – 180 varieties of rose bushes that reach their peak from around the middle of May.


"It’s very painful, but we decided to take action after looking at the situation in other cities,” a local official told the Mainichi newspaper, adding that it would take about a week to remove all the buds.



contain:動詞,控制,遏制。例句:I could not contain my laughter. (我無法控制自己不笑出聲來。)

tiptoe:動詞,用腳尖走,踮著腳走。例句:He tiptoed quietly up the stairs.(他踮著腳輕輕走上樓梯。)

peak:名詞,指山頂、山峰,亦指某事的最高峰、頂點。例句:Holiday flights reach a peak during August.(假期航班在8月到達最高峰。)


( 時事評論國際 )
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