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New skin condition possibly linked to coronavirus 新的皮膚狀況可能與新冠病毒有關
2020/05/11 00:26:46瀏覽18|回應0|推薦0

New skin condition possibly linked to coronavirus




Doctors around the country are trying to figure out whether a new mysterious skin condition could be a possible sign of coronavirus in asymptomatic patients.


The condition, informally being called "COVID toes" by some doctors, causes lesions or painful bumps, and sometimes frostbite-like areas of purple, blue or red discoloration in toes and sometimes fingers.


Northwestern University Medicine dermatologist Dr. Amy Paller said she’s seen large numbers of this popping up recently, mainly in teenagers and young adults.


Dr. Paller, the chair of dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, said the lesions are sometimes itchy and often painful, but the individuals generally don’t have any other signs of viral infections.



COVID:疾病名稱,嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(衛福部譯名),俗稱武漢肺炎、新冠肺炎,原文Coronavirus disease COVID-19),本文中的COVID省略年份2019。導致此疾病的病毒是新型冠狀病毒(衛福部譯名),簡稱新冠病毒,英文原文SARS-CoV-2,此前一度稱為2019 novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV);英文新聞稿通常寫作novel coronavirus,甚至省略novel直接稱coronavirus(如本文所示),但仍可根據上下文得知,此處的coronavirus指的是SARS-CoV-2,而非其他冠狀病毒。

figure out:慣用語,弄懂,想明白。例句:I just can’t figure out why he kept making silly mistakes.(我就是搞不懂他為何一直犯蠢錯。)

pop up:慣用語,(尤指突然地)出現,發生。例句:Fake skin care products promising results are popping up online as coronavirus keeps patients away from dermatologist.(當新冠病毒讓病患不敢去找皮膚科醫師看病時,網路上突然出現宣稱有良好效果的假的護膚產品。)



The AmishA People out of Time



The Amish are an American religious group known for rejecting modern technology and living a simpler life. Descendants of Germanspeaking settlers, the Amish are deeply religious. Every part of their lives is related to their church, community, and family. They have a strong belief that a happy life is a simple life. As part of their culture, the Amish reject many modern technologies. They generally do not use computers or smartphones.



●religious  a. 宗教的;虔誠的
Passing out religious or political flyers of any kind is not allowed on that campus.
  n. 後代,後裔
  n. 殖民者;移民


( 時事評論國際 )
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