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Do your bit for farmers and eat more fries, Belgians urged 比利時人被敦促為農夫分憂解勞並多吃薯條
2020/05/09 00:06:06瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0

Do your bit for farmers and eat more fries, Belgians urged




With potato farmers and processors struggling, Belgians are being urged to eat more fries to offset a slump in demand during the coronavirus pandemic.


Belgium is the world’s largest exporter of fries and other frozen potato products, its processors converting 5.3 million tonnes of potatoes into fries, mash and crisps per year and sending them to customers in more than 160 countries.


Restrictions to halt the spread of the coronavirus have forced the closure of cafes and restaurants, the industry’s prime customers for fries, and processing firms have seen demand fall by as much as 80%.


“We know Belgians like their fries, it’s intangible heritage our frying culture, so we ask Belgians to consume an extra portion of fries to allow us to process more potatoes and to avoid food waste,” Romain Cools, secretary-general of industry group Belgapom, told Reuters TV.Reuters



do your bite:片語,指盡己之力、盡本分。例句:Do your bit for the environment!(為環境做些貢獻吧!)

offset:動詞,指補償、抵銷。例句:The extra cost of travelling to work is offset by the lower price of houses there.(遠途通勤工作的額外成本被那裡的低房價抵消了。)

intangible:形容詞,指感覺或性質難以捉摸的、無法形容的、難以確定的、難以理解的;名詞,指無形的事物、無形資產。例句:She has an intangible temperament.(她有種難以言喻的氣質。)



Getting Exercise in the Office



J: Jane  F: Frank
Frank is standing next to Jane’s desk in the office.
F: So how did the chat with the boss go yesterday?
J: Mrs. Burns thought it was a great idea and said she will join the class
F: That’s great news. Did you talk to your friend, the yoga instructor?
J: Yes, I met her last night and she said she could make time each week.
F: Nice! So when will the class start?
J: The class will start from next month.

法蘭克: 那妳昨天和老闆聊得怎麼樣啊?
阿 珍: 伯恩斯女士認為這是個好主意,還說她有時也會來上課。
法蘭克: 那真是個好消息。那妳跟妳的瑜伽教練朋友說了沒?
阿 珍: 有,我昨晚和她見過面了,她說她可以每星期挪出時間來。
法蘭克: 太好了!那什麼時候開始上課?
阿 珍: 課程會從下個月開始。


occasionally adv. 偶爾,有時
make time (to V)
Martin made time to take his son to the amusement park.

( 時事評論國際 )
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