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Moon’s former spokesperson defeats ex-Seoul Mayor/文在寅的前發言人擊敗前首爾市長
2020/04/22 21:55:14瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0

Moon’s former spokesperson defeats ex-Seoul Mayor




In one of the most heated elections for the National Assembly, former presidential spokesperson Go Min-jung of the ruling party clinched victory in Seoul’s Gwangjin B precinct over an opposition heavyweight figure, election results showed Thursday.

週四選舉結果顯示,在本次(南韓)國會最激烈的選舉之中,執政黨的前總統府發言人高旼廷(譯按:也有拼成Ko Min-jung),在首爾的「廣津B」選區擊敗一名在野黨的重量級人物,獲得勝利。

The constituency emerged as a closely watched neck-and-neck race after the conservative United Future Party fielded Oh Se-hoon, who has widely been perceived as a presidential hopeful, to run in a constituency regarded as a liberal stronghold, where current Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae was elected five times.


In response, the ruling party put forward Go, a widely recognized figure though a novice in electoral affairs. "It was a difficult battle and there were many tough situations. But I am grateful for the many people who held my hand until the last moment," Go said.



clinch:動詞,獲得、達成、最終贏得、擁抱。Tom finally clinched the deal.(湯姆最後做成了這筆交易。)

neck-and-neck :片語,旗鼓相當、不分勝負、勢均力敵。The two teams are neck-and-neck with 1 point each.(這兩隊各得1分,打成平手。)

novice:名詞,新手、初學者。She has never driven a car before - I’m a complete novice.(她從沒開過車完全是個新手。)



Window of Happiness



Japan boasts more than 2,000 temples all over the countryside and in its cities. Some of the temples are hundreds of years old, while others are thousands. One place that has been getting a lot of love on Instagram is the 800-year-old Shojuin Temple.

The reason for this is that the temple has a heart-shaped window in the guest hall. People can take pictures with it and hope for happiness. The coolest feature of the window happens between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. each day. Sunlight beams through the window and casts the image of a heart on the floor.




boast vt.(地方等)擁有(好的事物或特徵);以擁有⋯⋯自豪
Ireland boasts beautiful beaches and great restaurants.
beam vi.
The water sparkled and the sun beamed brightly.
cast vt.


( 時事評論國際 )
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