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Aries 滿腔熱忱的牡羊座
2020/04/03 22:27:59瀏覽63|回應0|推薦2

Aries 滿腔熱忱的牡羊座



Aries is the first sign in the zodiac calendar. So it’s no wonder people born between March 21 and April 20 will do everything they can to be number one. When it comes to competition, Aries have two speeds—fast and faster.

They are not afraid to take risks since the sign’s symbol, the ram, is associated with being fearless. Just like the other fire signs of the zodiac, Leo and Sagittarius, Aries are natural born leaders, passionate about life, and determined to succeed no matter what.




competition n.競賽

be associated with...  與..有關聯聯繫

Many traffic accidents are associated with drunk driving.

passionate a.熱愛的(介詞用about);熱情的


Stand in line, women: no ’potty parity’ in Hong Kong


【摘要2020.4.1.自由】 管淑平

Hong Kong said it had failed to meet its own pledge of "potty parity", a policy aimed at ending an imbalance witnessed the world over: the long queue for the women’s loo.


Long lines routinely form outside female bathrooms while men nip in and out, igniting debates over gender equality, inclusive urban planning and the impact on work and health.


An official audit released on Wednesday found that Hong Kong authorities had failed to meet their own guidelines, in place since 2004, to provide two female toilets for every one for men.


More than half the city’s public toilet sites failed to meet the ratio, the Audit Commission said in its latest report. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, which oversees the facilities, said it would build more toilets.



nip in/out/down:動詞片語,快速去某地,或在某地短暫停留。例句:We still have time to nip down to the café for a quick bite.(我們還有時間殺去咖啡店很快地吃點東西。)

potty parity:名詞,字義為便器平等,即指男、女公廁數量符合兩性如廁所需時間的比例。例句:Many cities around the world are trying to achieve “potty parity”.(全球許多城市正努力達到男女廁所使用權平等。)

witness:動詞,經歷、發生;表明。例句:Our country has witnessed significant changes over the past four years.(我國過去4年來經歷重大改變。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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