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From Maps To Apps 整座城市都是我的畫布!
2020/03/28 11:09:12瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0

From Maps To Apps




Where would we be without maps? The answer is...lost. Ever since their invention, maps have gone from being an explorer’s best friend to a tool for making great art. Today we have maps of each and every place. Nancy Chandler’s Map of Bangkok, for example, used to be in the hands of every traveler in Thailand.

However, in 2019, the Chandler family map business finally went under. It closed because these days, anyone can locate anything in Bangkok using online map apps such as Google Maps.


然而到了2019年,錢德勒家族的手繪地圖事業終於歇業落幕。關門大吉的原因是因為現今任何人都可以使用如 Google 地圖等線上地圖應用程式來找到有關曼


go under 倒閉
More than 50% of new companies will go under during their first year.
locate vt.
online a.
線上的& adv.在線上



Fraudsters get hefty prison terms for impersonating French minister



Two men who impersonated a French minister to trick wealthy people out of more than €55m have been jailed by a court in Paris. Chikli was jailed for 11 years and fined €2m while Lasarevitsch received a seven-year sentence and a fine of €1m.


Chikli and Lasarevitsch tried to pull off what some in France are calling the scam of the century by impersonating Le Drian, Minister for Europe and foreign affairs, and conning wealthy individuals out of 80 million euros purportedly to help pay ransoms to free French hostages being held by Islamist terrorists.


Prosecutors said that in meetings arranged on Skype, one of the fraudsters would wear a custom-made Le Drian mask and sit in a facsimile of Mr Le Drian’s ministerial office, complete with flags and a portrait of then-President François Hollande.



impersonate:動詞,冒充、模仿。例句:The fraudster impersonated a staff of the bank.(這名詐欺犯冒充一名銀行員工。)

ransom:名詞,贖金。例句:The company received $2m ransom demand from cyber criminals.(這家公司從網路犯罪者那裡,接到支付贖金的要求。)

custom-made:形容詞,訂製的。例句:I bought a pair of custom-made shoes for my dad.(我買了一雙訂製的鞋子給我爸爸。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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