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US Cities Say No More Fast-Food Drive- roughs 美國大城呼籲取消得來速
2020/03/04 00:12:04瀏覽47|回應0|推薦0

US Cities Say No More Fast-Food Drive- roughs




In the US, some cities are banning drive-through windows at fast-food restaurants. Two large cities with such bans are Minneapolis, Minnesota and Long Beach, California. There are two basic reasons for the bans: concern for the environment and the need to fight obesity.

In the US, most adults drive their own automobiles and almost 40% of adults are overweight. As such, it is reasonable that people are worried about the environment and unhealthy diets.




●ban  vt.(尤指官方)禁止
Those who have not dressed formally will be banned from entering the meeting room.
  n. 擔心,關注
There is growing concern about violence on television.
  n. 過胖
  n. 汽車


Drive-thru clinics: Korea’s new weapons in virus fight



South Korea is trying new ploys to battle the novel coronavirus outbreak.


Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, set up a drive-thru testing facility on Wednesday, where symptom checks, sample collection and payment receipt are done in one-stop fashion in under 10 minutes.


Gyeonggi Province communications official Park Hyun-su said that the checkups at the drive-thru are about 20 minutes faster than the typical way done at hospitals or public health centers. Park said the service will soon be introduced in other regions of the province. Other cities outside Gyeonggi Province with drive-thru clinics are Daegu and Sejong.



drive-thru:名詞,得來速。例句:It’s a drive-through restaurant. We can get some type of service without needing to get out of our car.(這是間「得來速」餐廳。我們不必下車,就可以獲得某種服務。)

ploy:名詞,計謀、策略、手法(段)、花招、技倆。例句:There are various ploys we can use if necessary.(如有必要,我們可以使出各種手段。)

checkup:名詞、或寫成check-up,體檢、健康檢查。例句:He goes to his doctor for regular check-ups.(他去醫師那裡做定期健檢。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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