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Unlucky in Life, but Lucky in Love 生命中的美好缺憾
2020/02/08 09:07:40瀏覽36|回應0|推薦0

Unlucky in Life, but Lucky in Love




The Fault in Our Stars is a young adult fiction novel by American author John Green. It is his fourth major work, and his best-known to date.The plot of the novel follows the main character, Hazel Grace, who has battled cancer since she was a small child and is now 16 years old.

She attends a cancer support group, where she meets Gus, a fellow teenage cancer survivor. They quickly bond and begin what will turn out to be a short but very beautiful romance.




plot n.(小說、電影)情節;陰謀
survivor n. 存活者
bond vi. & vt. 建立親密關係
It is important for parents to bond with their children shortly after birth.


Earth sandwich’ made by two men 20,000km apart



Sierra and Naude have created an "Earth sandwich" - by placing bread on precise points, either side of the planet, at the same time.


Naude from New Zealand wanted to make one for years, but had struggled to find someone in Spain, on the other side of the globe.


Two months ago, he posted on the Spain section of the online message board Reddit. He got "a few replies" and found one person close to the precise location.


The men used longitude and latitude to make sure they were precisely opposite.


According to World Atlas, only around 15% of "territorial land" is antipodal to other land. Naude only had to travel a few hundred metres to find a suitable public spot on his side of the world. Mr Sierra had to travel 11 km .



precise:形容詞,精確的、準確的。例句:You caught my hand at the precise moment.(你在那個瞬間抓住我的手。)

struggle:動詞,奮鬥、努力。例句:Kate struggled to comprehend the story’s meaning.(凱特努力去理解這個故事的意涵。)

tough:形容詞,困難的、棘手的。例句:It’s the toughest decision I have made. (這是我做過最困難的決定。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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