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信用卡 駭客 攻破 大通銀行 ?!
2016/08/01 00:13:12瀏覽1097|回應3|推薦23
楔子:   http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/60107269

樹大招風,大通銀行 Morgan Chase Bank 舉世聞名,駭客 当然 当 肥羊 痛咬。

昨日午餐 在 錦江 吃的, 回到家不久 就收到 Chase email 說有可疑 盜用﹐上網一看﹐乖乖 短短幾小時﹐被盜刷了 七筆。 

老朽 每次拿到 新卡,立刻用小刀 刮去 cvv 密碼, 除非 錦江 的員工(?) 用高科技 軟硬體﹐ 否則 不可能 肉眼 劫取 卡号 & cvv ? ! 

老朽 注意到 最近 不止一次,刷 Chase 信用卡 刷不過,無奈 只好用 別家銀行的 信用卡。   老朽 判斷,大通銀行 心知肚明 有 不肖駭客 攻進 Break into Chase 的 Data Center 拿到 成千 上萬 的 卡号 密碼 CVV 資料。駭客 將資料 拍賣給 黑幫, 黑幫 製成 偽卡, 低價賣給 市井無賴 流氓 使用。 偽卡 或許沒有 最新的 嵌入晶片 embeded chip, 但有些商家 為圖方便 (晶片 費時 至少 多個30秒)﹐仍然接受 刷卡 swiped transaction。 不幸 出了事, 商家 因為 没有查証 Photo id, 只好 吞下損失。哭哭哭哭

老朽 建議 商家, 多 買/辦置 晶片讀卡機﹐等待 晶片操作完成 之時,可以 check out 下一位 客人付帳。 (Multi-thread)

( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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Black Hat
讓 提款機 ATM 吐錢 小裝置隨插隨盜
2016/08/05 12:52


晶片卡  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMV



mate : 國會議員大戰奇觀
政府無能 盜賊橫行
2016/08/01 14:36
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2016-08-01 21:42 回覆:

哦 ?   怨天 尤人 ? ! 

尤人 ? !  http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/48175812

怨天 ? !  http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/258472

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2016-08-26 22:02 回覆:
Russian convicted in masterminding global online theft ring AP August 26, 2016

SEATTLE (AP) -- The son of a Russian lawmaker has been convicted of hacking into U.S. businesses to steal credit card information and orchestrating an international online theft scheme that netted him millions of dollars.

Jurors deliberated over two days before finding Roman Seleznev guilty Thursday of 38 charges, including nine counts of hacking and 10 counts of wire fraud. He could face up to 40 years in prison when he's sentenced Dec. 2, and he still faces similar charges in federal courts in Nevada and Georgia, his attorney said.

Seleznev hacked into businesses, mostly pizza restaurants in Washington state, and stole millions of credit card numbers that he sold on underground internet forums, authorities said. The thefts led to almost $170 million in credit card losses around the world and made him "one of the most prolific credit card traffickers in history," prosecutors said.

Seleznev was indicted in 2011, but a month later, he suffered a brain injury in a terrorist bombing in a cafe in Morocco. He was in a coma for two weeks and underwent a series of operations, according to a previous lawyer.

Prosecutors added 11 new counts in 2014, including wire and bank fraud, hacking and identity theft.

Sitting at his keyboard in Vladivostok, Russia, and using the online nicknames "Track2," ''Bulba" and "2Pac," Seleznev masterminded a scheme dating to 2008, Assistant U.S. Attorney Norman Barbosa said during closing arguments Wednesday.

日月光明 LKK
2016/08/01 05:46
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2016-08-01 06:19 回覆:



Thanks .....