佛教 → 因果﹐報應。 |
2018/12/30 08:35 |
哦 ? ! 未必吧 ? !
歷史上﹐英国 發動 鴉片战爭﹐日本 武力 侵韓﹐華。 可 英女皇 伊麗沙白二世 享盡榮華富貴。 日本天皇 也 很 快活。
懇請不吝賜教? |
2018/11/24 00:27 |
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2018-11-24 04:28 回覆: |
謝謝 開示。
林子大了,什麼鳥都有?!或有 憑感覺 投票 的 → 或 增加 開票結果 的不確定性 ?  
且聽聽看 開悟者 怎麼說 ? |
2011/01/02 12:42 |
Amy 靈魂出竅,見性,明心 (開悟),
她的說法: In my NDE though, I came to understand that most of us have lived much, MUCH longer than we could even fathom. That our lives that feel so very long are infinitesimal when placed in the Whole picture... which for that matter, cannot even be framed. I was shown how every single individual through their own free will chooses paths that MATHEMATICALLY take them to the circumstances of their next existence or life. That NOTHING at all sits in accident or chaos. That every single aspect of our lives are ruled by NATURAL Laws that we placed ourSELVES in! That in a sense, we create our own worlds. I was shown how one can never assume either, that if someone lives a life of suffering that this is because of "evil" deeds. Many may CHOOSE a life of suffering because of what it Awakens in them.. or to help another, etc.. We can NEVER EVER assume that we can be accurate in guessing why each Being lives the life they live. http://www.nderf.org/amy_c_nde_4720.htm
作自己,上意就不必測了,如來如去謂之自由, |
2010/12/27 16:21 |
佛 : 前世無始,來世無終,現世最短。業果輪迴三世不絕,自能無怨無悔。