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2006/05/05 11:01:40瀏覽1339|回應3|推薦4

在”唬人”這件事上來說, 不談 本領, 能力, 不談動機, 就事論事, 佛 比 基督教的 上帝 差多了, 最多只能說是 “小巫見大巫”. 當然, 這也是 筆者 比較 喜歡 佛 的 原因之一.

如前拙著 “佛會唬人嗎? 小心被佛唬” 一文所述, 顯然地, 佛在楞嚴經 一開始的地方, 以 “心在那裡?” 唬了阿難.

佛問阿難, 心在那裡? 阿難回答: 心在身內. 佛先設下圈套問阿難: 你身在 如來 講堂中, 不見 如來, 只見堂外? 阿難回答: 當然見 如來. 佛此時收緊圈套, 問阿難: 若心在身內, 為何不見身內的五臟,而見身外之物? 阿難被佛一下子唬住了, 發了愣, 於是同意 心不在身內…

六祖壇經: “世人自色身是城, 眼耳鼻舌是門. 外有五門, 內有意門. 心是地, 性是王, 王居心地上. .. 性在身心存, 性去身心壞.” 心當然在身內.

基督教的 舊約 聖經 創世記 21: 1-7; 22: 1-18 上帝為了試驗亞伯拉罕 的信心, 叫他把兒子, 當作祭物殺了. 上帝在最後, 最緊要的一刻, 現身, 停止了遊戲. 這可是驚心動魄, 把性命當兒戲, 大大地唬人.

佛唬阿難 和上帝唬 亞伯拉罕 相比, 真是 小巫見大巫. 這故事也說明了, 上帝沒有 “他心通”, (不知亞伯拉罕的內心世界). 看來 也許 還 沒有開悟. 您說呢?

有此一說﹐上帝是有他心通﹐上帝此舉乃是要 亞伯拉罕 感受一下 〝過山車〞的滋味。 瞎摸象 依樣畫葫蘆﹐以子之矛﹐攻子之盾﹐→ 亞伯拉罕 也有他心通﹐早知上帝意圖﹐配合演戲﹐玩 〝Who blink first〞 Game﹐ 結果 是 上帝 先 blink。 豈不 上帝 輸了 ? ! 輸了 還稱 上帝 嗎 ? ! 若 還稱 上帝 → 亞伯拉罕 嬴了﹐應稱 上帝 ? !

“小丈則受, 大丈則走”, 亞伯拉罕 若精通 儒家學說, 上帝所點的這齣戲, 就演不下去了.

亦佛亦道亦基督, (毛主席擠不下了, 暫委曲了...)
非正非邪非胡塗, (不思善, 不思惡 - 六祖壇經)
如來上帝或真主, (毛主席還是擠不下, 再委曲了...)

子象瞎摸不着相, 儒釋道耶數金剛,
靈魂出竅時未到, 開悟西天盼無常. (吃飽等死)

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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
加拿大原住民寄宿學校是 「集中營」
2021/06/27 21:06
天加拿大卑詩省一間 天主教 印第安人 寄宿學校 舊址發現了215具兒童遺骸,當中有死者離世時年僅3歲。

The May discovery of 215 children's remains at the site of a former residential school in Kamloops has thrown a spotlight Canada's past policies of forced assimilation.

The Marieval Indian Residential School was operated by the Roman Catholic Church from 1899 to 1997 in the area where Cowessess is now located in southeastern Saskatchewan. It was one of more than 130 compulsory boarding schools funded by the Canadian government and run by religious authorities during the 19th and 20th Centuries with the aim of assimilating indigenous youth.

An estimated 6,000 children died while attending these schools, due in large part to the squalid health conditions inside. Students were often housed in poorly built, poorly heated, and unsanitary facilities.

In 2008, the Canadian government formally apologised for the system.

The Roman Catholic church - which was responsible for the operations of up to 70% of residential schools - has not yet issued a formal apology.

Jacky's blog
2017/01/07 20:13



所有的宗教 應該都具備教化人的目的

只要能夠提升修養的 自我控制的 都是好宗教





如果人死了到天堂 見到上帝

就說跟上帝一起相處 當上帝的助手好了

還要管理人間這些狗屁搗灶的事 決定並分配萬物的德性

我一定放棄 不要當他的助手 這個天堂我不去了



只要上帝是善良的 不會控制人性









摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2017-01-07 22:15 回覆:

 『..... 算不清你60億人口的德性多寡 .....』

『天知、地知、我知、子知』 http://www.rocidea.com/roc-13005.aspx

老朽 早年 認為 世上人海茫茫﹐閻王 or 上帝 無法 知瞭 每個人 每時每刻的事。 但 好友 的故事 : http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/3161785 說明了 上蒼的方法。 每個人 的三魂七魄 中﹐ 上蒼 安排了 一個 他的 親信。 随時 持靈界牌錄像機﹐..... (Personal PC, 您有吧?)

老朽甚至 懷疑 上蒼 派在 每個人 身旁 的守護神﹐ 可以 听命於上帝﹐必要時 Override your 意志。 此乃上蒼 control 世界大事 的可能手法 ? !  http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/5831601

DNA & its 突變﹐ 可能 都有上蒼的 攪和 ? !

上蒼 為何 攪和 ? ! 老朽 猜  http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/48175812

Not Win or Lose Game
2017/01/05 01:35
The story is not what God wants to win over Abraham or Abraham wants to win over God. You probably need to read all through the Bible. Do not judge this even by using simple logic.
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2017-01-05 02:21 回覆:

Jewish views
『Others suggest[who?] that Abraham's apparent complicity with the sacrifice was actually his way of testing God. Abraham had previously argued with God to save lives in Sodom and Gomorrah. By silently complying with God's instructions to kill Isaac, Abraham was putting pressure on God to act in a moral way to preserve life. More evidence that Abraham thought that he would not actually sacrifice Isaac comes from Genesis 22:5, where Abraham said to his servants, "You stay here with the ass. The boy and I will go up there; we will worship and we will return to you." By saying we (as opposed to I), he meant that both he and Isaac would return. Thus, he did not believe that Isaac would be sacrificed in the end.[5]』

Christian views
『this episode as prefiguring God's plan to have his own Son, Jesus, die on the cross as a substitute for humanity, 』 『he felt God would be able to resurrect the slain Isaac』

瞎摸象 玩 攝影﹐有一款 軟體 Corel PaintShop Pro 可 修圖﹐随心所欲﹐搞砸了 ? 沒關係﹐有一 〝Un-Do〞button﹐無論走錯 n 步﹐每按一次﹐就退回一步。

死了可復活? ~ 殺/不殺 实同 兒戲 ~ 人啦 ? !