休士頓 華人 多次 遊行抗議 "保釣"。聲勢 三? 五? 百人, 主流電視看不到絲豪 報導。 (听說 日本領事館 使錢, 使力 ? ~ Frank Liu of Houston)
瞎摸象 家旁池塘溺死人, 小老朽 竟然 上了全國電視 晚間花邊新聞。
『We were traveling in Europe, sitting in an Italian cafe when Bin Ladin was aired on a news program to announce that if Americans voted for Bush, there would be massive consequences. We asked our friends back home if they saw this footage. Not one of our friends had. Not from MSNBC, not from Fox, not from PBS, from NOWHERE. Now, my question is this. Why was this aired abroad, but not in the states. 』 ~ CSPAN Junkie