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2019/01/17 10:52:50瀏覽206|回應0|推薦0 | |
2019/1/17 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant 1.【動態 | 加密貨幣技術分析師:比特幣將在10至12個月內大幅增長】 據CCN消息,在線名爲“Galaxy”的加密貨幣技術分析師表示,基於比特幣的歷史價格變動,該資産可能在10至12個月內出現大幅增長。他認爲目前正在接近2015年熊市的420天大關,如果歷史重演,市場將走向幾個月的積累並將在2019年中後期開啓新牛市周期。從歷史數據看,比特幣平均需要62周才能從85%的修正中恢複過來,自去年1月熊市以來的15個月將是今年3月。 JSS OS:媒體總愛預先喊目標價 1. [Dynamic | Cryptographic Technology Analyst: Bitcoin will grow significantly in 10 to 12 months] According to CCN, a cryptocurrency technology analyst named "Galaxy" said that based on historical price changes in Bitcoin, the asset could grow significantly in 10 to 12 months. He believes that it is currently approaching the 420-day mark of the bear market in 2015. If history repeats itself, the market will move towards a few months of accumulation and will open a new bull market cycle in the middle and late 2019. From historical data, Bitcoin takes an average of 62 weeks to recover from the 85% correction. The 15 months since the bear market in January last year will be March this year. JSS OS: Media always loves to pre-empt the target price 2.【動態 | 以太坊君士坦丁堡硬分叉或推遲至下周一】 據ethnews報導,由於以太坊改進提案(EIP)1283被發現重大安全漏洞,以太坊君士坦丁堡硬分叉被延期。Week in Ethereum的創造者Evan Van Ness表示,新的硬分叉日期將在周五的下一次核心開發者電話會議期間選出。以太坊核心開發者Afri Schoedon則在Twitter上稱,硬分叉現預計於下周一舉行。 2. [Dynamic | Ethereum Constantinople hard fork or postponed until next Monday] According to ethnews, the hard fork of Ethereum Constantinople was postponed due to a major security breach found in the Ethereum Improvements Proposal (EIP) 1283. Evan Van Ness, creator of Week in Ethereum, said the new hard fork date will be selected during the next core developer conference call on Friday. Ethereum core developer Afri Schoedon said on Twitter that the hard fork is expected to be held next Monday. 3.【聲音 | Joseph Young:開發人員工資上漲並不意味著加密活動增多】 加密貨幣分析師Joseph Young在CCN刊文稱,儘管加密市場修正率爲80%,但區塊鏈開發人員每年的收入卻在130,000美元到180,000美元之間。然而,區塊鏈開發人員的工資上漲並不一定轉化爲更多的加密開發活動。一家瑞士創業公司的首席執行官Thomas Bertani表示,瑞士的區塊鏈開發人員每個月的報酬約爲15000美元,他認爲缺乏開發人員使開發人員的工資自然就增加了。 這是因爲高技能、經驗豐富的區塊鏈開發人員很難找到,以及衆所周知瑞士是世界上物價最高的國家之一。此外,ICO熱潮促使區塊鏈開發人員工資上漲,但其中許多機會都是短期的,這是由於絕大多數區塊鏈項目在産品開發一兩年後都會失敗。因此,有可能沒有多少開發人員願意冒險爲ICO項目工作。 3. [Sound | Joseph Young: The rise in developer wages does not mean an increase in encryption activity] Cryptography analyst Joseph Young said in the CCN article that although the encryption market correction rate is 80%, blockchain developers earn between $130,000 and $180,000 per year. However, the rise in wages for blockchain developers does not necessarily translate into more cryptographic development activities. Thomas Bertani, CEO of a Swiss startup, said that blockchain developers in Switzerland are paid about $15,000 a month, and he believes that the lack of developers has naturally increased the wages of developers. This is because high-skilled, experienced blockchain developers find it hard to find, and Switzerland is known as one of the most expensive countries in the world. In addition, the ICO boom has prompted blockchain developers to raise wages, but many of these opportunities are short-lived, as most blockchain projects fail after a year or two of product development. Therefore, there may not be many developers willing to take the risk of working for an ICO project. 4.【聲音 | 南非現任總統選舉宣言:區塊鏈是現代變革的工具】 據bitcoinexchangeguide報導,南非現任總統西裡爾•拉馬福薩(Cyril Ramaphosa)正在爲即將舉行的選舉做準備,他的政黨非洲人國民大會已經發布了宣言,其中談到區塊鏈是現代變革的工具。在演講中,總統強調需要一種基於最新技術的全新工作系統,特別是區塊鏈、數據分析和物聯網。如果現任總統贏得5月的選舉,南非很可能會在更大範圍內實施基於區塊鏈的工業用例。 4. [Sound | South Africa's current presidential election declaration: blockchain is a tool for modern change] According to the bitcoinexchangeguide, South Africa’s current president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is preparing for the upcoming elections, and his party’s African National Congress has issued a declaration on the blockchain as a modern revolution. tool. In the speech, the President emphasized the need for a new work system based on the latest technology, especially blockchain, data analysis and the Internet of Things. If the current president wins the May elections, South Africa is likely to implement blockchain-based industrial use cases on a larger scale. 5.【聲音 | 法律人士:若美國政府繼續關閉,或導致比特幣ETF被草率否決】 據coindesk報導,美國歷史上最長的政府關閉對加密行業也造成了一些傷害。律師事務所Lowenstein Sandler的經銷商業務主席Ethan Silver預計,如果政府的關閉繼續,值班人員需被迫處理比特幣ETF申請,他們可能會很快否決它,而不是將其置於可“在技術性上得到批准”的境地。 Silver認爲監管機構可能會引用“市場誠信”或類似的緊急理由拒絕。美國政府執法辯護和證券訴訟律師Jake Chervinsky在推特上表示,美國證券交易委員會可能會在政府長期關閉期間找到一些拒絕比特幣ETF提案的方法。Silver Miller律師事務所的律師David Silver也表示認同這一觀點。 5. [Sound | Legal person: If the US government continues to shut down, or the Bitcoin ETF is sloppyly rejected] According to coindesk, the longest government closure in US history has also caused some damage to the encryption industry. Ethan Silver, the chairman of the law firm Lowenstein Sandler's dealership, expects that if the government's closure continues, the duty officer will be forced to deal with the Bitcoin ETF application, and they may soon veto it instead of placing it "technically The situation of being approved." Silver believes that regulators may cite “market integrity” or similar urgent reasons to reject. US government law enforcement defense and securities litigation lawyer Jake Chervinsky said on Twitter that the US Securities and Exchange Commission may find ways to reject Bitcoin ETF proposals during the government's long-term closure. David Silver, a lawyer at Silver Miller, also agrees.
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