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2019/01/16 16:54:17瀏覽188|回應0|推薦0 | |
2019/1/16 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant 1.【動態 | Diar報告:截至今日Tether在穩定幣市場的主導地位下降了31%】 Diar今日發布與美元掛鈎的穩定幣的交易狀況報告。報告顯示,截至今日Tether在穩定幣市場的主導地位下降了31%,其目前與美元掛鈎穩定幣市場佔比爲69%。報告指出,雖然大量交易者選擇將資金轉向比特幣以求降低波動風險,但穩定幣市場出現了大量新幣種,尤其其中許多穩定幣都得到了國家層面主要加密貨幣交易業務的支持。 雖然目前Tether仍控制著69%的供應量,但Circle和Coinbase支持的USDC在不到3個月的時間裡就佔據了穩定幣市場13%的份額,超過3.72億美元。今年1月,每日的Tether交易量爲40億美元,而USDC的平均交易量不到2000萬美元。然而,隨著更多的加密貨幣交易所開始增加更多的穩定對,這也可能導致供應過剩。 1. 【Dynamic | Diar Report: As of today, Tethers dominant position in the stable currency market has fallen by 31%】 Diar today released a report on the trading status of the stable currency linked to the US dollar. The report shows that as of today, Tethers dominant position in the stable currency market has fallen by 31%, and its current dollar-linked stable currency market accounted for 69%. The report pointed out that although a large number of traders chose to transfer funds to Bitcoin in order to reduce the risk of volatility, there were a large number of new currencies in the stable currency market, especially many of them were supported by the national cryptocurrency trading business at the national level. Although Tether still controls 69% of supply, the USDC supported by Circle and Coinbase has accounted for 13% of the stable currency market in less than three months, exceeding $372 million. In January of this year, the daily Tether transaction volume was 4 billion US dollars, while the USDC average transaction volume was less than 20 million US dollars. However, as more cryptocurrency exchanges begin to add more stable pairs, this can also lead to oversupply. 2.【聲音 | 科銀資本許英龍:區塊鏈投資退散 資本最好的時期】 在“新資本50人”欄目中, 科銀中國CEO許英龍在接受採訪時指出,任何投資最純淨的初心一定去賺錢的,區塊鏈項目也是一樣。作爲資本方,面對市場龐雜的項目時,總會堅持一套自我評判標準,從魚龍混雜的項目中選出優質的項目投資。而在這個寒冬時期,伴隨著資本收縮、空氣項目的退出,使得資本方更容易挖掘到優質的項目,同時也能夠以更低的成本取得成本。(挖鏈) 2.【Sound | Branch Silver Capital Xu Yinglong: Blockchain Investment Retreat Capital Best Period】 In the "New Capital 50" column, Xu Yinglong, CEO of Keyin China, pointed out in an interview that the purest initial heart of any investment must make money, and the blockchain project is the same. As a capitalist, when faced with a market-intensive project, it always adheres to a set of self-judgment criteria and selects high-quality project investment from a mixed project. In this cold winter period, with the contraction of capital and the withdrawal of air projects, it is easier for capital parties to tap into high-quality projects and at the same time obtain costs at a lower cost. (cut chain) 3.【動態 | Bakkt收購美國期貨傭金商資産以簡化消費者支付】 據財富報導,美國洲際交易所推出加密交易平台Bakkt週一宣布,將收購擁有百年歷史的期貨傭金商Rosenthal Collins集團的資産。作爲期貨傭金商,該集團的主要業務是通過轉移資金、處理抵押品以及通過銀行擁有的清算所引導交易爲投資者和機構管理大宗商品帳戶,並將違約風險降至最低。Bakkt首席執行官Kelly Loeffler強調Bakkt將利用Rosenthal Collins的專長簡化客戶和商戶之間的支付。 3.【Dynamic | Bakkt acquires US futures commission merchant assets to simplify consumer payments】 According to Fortune, the US Intercontinental Exchange launched an encrypted trading platform, Bakkt, which announced on Monday that it will acquire the assets of the 100-year-old futures commissioner Rosenthal Collins Group. As a futures commission merchant, the groups main business is to manage the bulk commodity account for investors and institutions by transferring funds, processing collateral and directing transactions through bank-owned clearing houses, and minimizing default risk. Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler emphasized that Bakkt will leverage the expertise of Rosenthal Collins to streamline payments between customers and merchants. 4.【動態 | 萊特幣區塊獎勵將在8月降至12.5LTC】 據bitcoinexchangeguide報導,據萊特幣(LTC)官方消息,目前已有6000萬枚LTC被挖出,佔總量8400萬枚的71.5%。但萊特幣官方表示,在減半發生之前只剩下300萬枚LTC,區塊獎勵將從25LTC減少到12.5LTC。預計減半時間接近2019年8月。根據官方估計,最後一枚萊特幣將在2142年被開採,區塊獎勵將爲0.00000042。 JSS OS:這個幣今年可以關注 4.【Dynamic | Litecoin block rewards will drop to 12.5LTC in August】 According to bitcoinexchangeguide, according to the official news of Litecoin (LTC), 60 million LTCs have been dug up, accounting for 71.5% of the total 84 million. But the Litecoin official said that only 3 million LTCs will be left before the halving, and the block reward will be reduced from 25 LTC to 12.5 LTC. It is expected that the halving time will be close to August 2019. According to official estimates, the last Litecoin will be mined in 2142 and the block reward will be 0.0000042. JSS OS: This currency can pay attention this year. 5.【聲音 | Weiss Ratings:ETH上漲是“買謠言,賣新聞”的經典操作方式】 隨著以太坊君士坦丁堡硬叉的到來,市場出現了上漲,其中ETH上漲了9%。根據加密貨幣評級機構Weiss Ratings的說法,這種系統升級主要集中在速度,低成本和效率上,而這是“買謠言,賣新聞”的經典操作方式。 5.【Sound | Weiss Ratings: ETH rise is the classic way of "buy rumors, sell news"】 With the arrival of the Ethereum Constantinople hard fork, the market has risen, with ETH rising by 9%. According to Weiss Ratings, a cryptocurrency rating agency, this system upgrade focuses on speed, cost and efficiency, and this is the classic way of buying rumors and selling news. 6.【動態 | BTC近一周大幅波動多發生在淩晨12點】 從火幣BTC小時線上看,BTC近一周的5次大幅波動,除了1次在下午14點外,另外4次都發生在了淩晨12點左右。這5次波動如下:1月14日23點上漲4.30%、1月13日24點下跌3.87%、1月11日24點下跌5.29%、1月10日14點下跌7.11%、1月7日淩晨1點上漲5.43%。 6.【Dynamics | BTCs large fluctuations in the past week occurred mostly at 12 am】 From the BTC hour line of the fire coin, BTC fluctuated greatly in 5 times in the past week, except for 1 time at 14 oclock in the afternoon, and the other 4 times occurred around 12 oclock in the morning. The five fluctuations are as follows: 4.30% at 23 oclock on January 14, 3.87% at 24 oclock on January 13, 5.29% at 24 oclock on January 11, and 7.11% at 14:00 on January 10, January 7 It rose by 5.43% at 1 am.
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