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【比特幣】2019/1/11 Bitcoin JSS Newslette
2019/01/11 13:42:00瀏覽195|回應0|推薦0

2019/1/11  新聞精選  by  FENG-YI  Consultant


1.動態 | 慢霧科技:區塊鏈作惡主要包括盜幣、惡意挖礦、勒索等八大方面


1. [Dynamic | Slow fog technology: Blockchain evil mainly includes eight aspects of stolen money, malicious mining, blackmail, etc.]

Slow fog technology published a "blockchain for evil summary map" on its official website today: blockchain evil can be divided into stolen money, malicious mining, extortion, dark network, C2 transit, money laundering, fund trading, and gaming. These eight aspects are subdivided into a number of evil means, such as pirate attacks, trojan attacks, power attack, smart contract attacks, infrastructure attacks and other evil means. In addition, Slow Mist Technology also reminds that the gaming DApp has become a kind of landing scene that can not be ignored in the public chain with "smart contract", or it may be used as a new evil means.

2.聲音 | ETC官方給社區的聲明:任何情況下都不會重組整條鏈或者回滾鏈上記錄

ETC官方給社區的聲明,包含對 ETC 持有者的防範意見及 ETC 之後的發展願景及計劃,內容如下:




(4)研究深重組攻擊保護的可能性(reorgblock reorganization attack 參考:Toms Blog | Deep reorgs protection意思大概是防止像這次這樣的攻擊,突然好好的切過去另一條主鏈上。) (5)ECIP1043:這個ECIP的願景是在初始化DAG狀態的時候限制DAG的最大大小並且在之後的epoch中都不會改變。


(7)以上的這些等到ETH轉變成ProgPow或者PoS之後,會讓ETC成爲PoW上的主導鏈。 (8)改變PoW算法並讓其成爲PoW中的主流來減少算力租賃攻擊。



3.聲音 | Blockforce Capital CEO:目前的加密市場環境有能力支持ETF

news.bitcoin消息,比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)一直爲獲得美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的批准而努力。研究公司ETFGI預計,到2020年,在歐洲上市的etfETPs將達到1.1萬億美元。摩根士丹利預計,到2022年,全球ETF資産將超過9萬億美元。嘉信理財(Charles Schwab)進行的一項研究顯示,千禧一代越來越多地選擇投資應用程序訪問的ETF。如果美國證交會(SEC)批准比特幣ETF,這可能會改變投資規則。美國資産管理公司Blockforce Capital首席執行官Eric Ervin表示,目前的市場環境有能力支持ETFErvin強調,BTC24小時交易量約爲53億美元,並在全球多個交易所進行交易,這就爲市場增加了流動性。

3. [Sound | Blockforce Capital CEO: The current encryption market environment has the ability to support ETFs]

According to news.bitcoin, bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have been working hard to obtain approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Research firm ETFGI expects that by 2020, eTFs and ETPs listed in Europe will reach $1.1 trillion. Morgan Stanley expects global ETF assets to exceed $9 trillion by 2022. According to a study conducted by Charles Schwab, millennials are increasingly choosing to invest in ETFs accessed by applications. If the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approves the Bitcoin ETF, this may change the investment rules. Eric Ervin, CEO of American asset management company Blockforce Capital, said the current market environment has the ability to support ETFs. Ervin stressed that BTC's 24-hour trading volume is about $5.3 billion and is traded on multiple exchanges around the world, which adds liquidity to the market.

4.聲音 | 眼鏡蛇Cobra:建議貝索斯使用BTC

針對亞馬遜CEO 傑夫貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)與其妻子離婚一事,比特幣官方論壇Bitcoin.org持有人眼鏡蛇在推特上表示,使用比特幣, 你的配偶無法通過離婚拿走你的半數資産。

4. [Sound | Cobra Cobra: It is recommended that Bezos use BTC]

In response to the divorce of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his wife, Bitcoin.org holder Bitcoin.org holder said on Twitter that with bitcoin, your spouse cannot take away half of your assets through divorce.

5.金色晨訊 | 李嘉誠計劃投資加密貨幣交易所Bakkt 孫宇晨提交15號提議 波場智能合約將支持TRC






(6)孫宇晨提交15號提議 波場智能合約將支持TRC

(7)以太坊君士坦丁堡硬分叉不會産生新代幣 用戶持有者無需任何操作。



5. [Golden Morning News] Li Ka-shing plans to invest in the cryptocurrency exchange Bakkt Sun Yuchen submits the 15th proposal. The wave field smart contract will support TRC]

(1) Zuckerberg: Will pay attention to whether decentralization should be done through encryption or the like.

(2) Li Ka-shing plans to invest in the cryptocurrency exchange Bakkt.

(3) Kaohsiung City will implement an officially supported stable currency pilot program.

(4) The Fire Coin Japan Exchange officially launched.

(5) The Venezuelan government has enacted a decree on taxation through cryptocurrency.

(6) Sun Yuchen submits the 15th proposal. The wave field smart contract will support TRC.

(7) Ethereum Constantinople hard fork will not generate new tokens User holders do not need any operation.

(8) V God: EPC's 51% attack proved that the decision of Ethereum to turn to PoS is correct.

(9) The Office of the General Electoral Office of Canada and the political parties consulted on the acceptance of cryptocurrency contributions.


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