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【比特幣】2019/1/26 Bitcoin JSS Newslette
2019/01/26 12:02:48瀏覽213|回應0|推薦0

2019/1/ 26 新聞精選  by  FENG-YI  Consultant


1.【摩根大通分析師:比特幣價值低於開採成本 但中國例外】




1.【JP Morgan Chase analyst: Bitcoin value is lower than mining cost but China exception】

According to Bloomberg News, JP Morgan analysts said that in the fourth quarter of last year, the cost of producing a bitcoin worldwide was about $4,060.

And given that Bitcoin itself currently trades at less than $3,600, JPMorgan believes that today's bitcoin value is lower than mining costs. However, the cost of Chinese miners is low, and the cost per bitcoin is estimated to be about $2,400.

Analysts said that due to negative profit margins, more high-cost producers are expected to be forced to withdraw, but JPMorgan further said that this has not happened yet, and the production share of mining companies in the Czech Republic, the US and Iceland is actually in the past. A slight increase in a year or so. But if low-cost Chinese miners continue to exist, the marginal cost per bitcoin may fall to less than $1,260.


據Securelist消息,卡巴斯基在最近的一份研究中稱發現一款惡意軟件Razy(檢測全稱為Trojan.Win32.Razy.gen),該軟件會在受害者的計算機上安裝惡意瀏覽器擴展程序或感染已安裝的擴展程序,從而竊取用戶的加密貨幣資產。據悉,Razy可與Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox和Yandex瀏覽器“兼容”,但針對每種瀏覽器都有不同的感染方案。

2.【Kaspersky detected malware Razy, which can steal cryptocurrencies through user browser extensions】

According to Securelist, Kaspersky said in a recent study that it found a malware, Razy (detected entirely called Trojan.Win32.Razy.gen), which installs a malicious browser extension on the victim's computer or Infects an installed extension to steal the user's cryptocurrency assets. It is reported that Razy is "compatible" with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex browsers, but has different infection schemes for each browser.

3.【Insight Chain熱點調研:近八成投資者認為比特幣價格存在“春節效應”】

調研鏈Insight Chain(INB)發布投資者關於“比特幣價格是否存在春節效應”的看法的熱點調研結果。本次在Insight DApp內共收集有效問卷311份,78.5%的投資者認為存在“春節效應”;


3.【 Insight Chain hot spot research: Nearly 80% of investors believe that bitcoin price has "Spring Festival effect"】

The research chain Insight Chain (INB) released the results of a hot survey of investors' views on whether Bitcoin prices have a Spring Festival effect. A total of 311 valid questionnaires were collected in Insight DApp, and 78.5% of investors believe that there is a “Spring Festival effect”;

For the trend of bitcoin price during the Spring Festival, 38.6% think it will rise steadily, 29.3% think it will fall significantly; in terms of operational strategy, 54.0% of investors choose to hold the currency, and 22.8% of investors choose to advance Adding positions; 33.4% believe that the main factor in the price change of Bitcoin during the Spring Festival is the change in market sentiment.


據Newsbtc消息,加密貨幣分析師Josh Rager表示,到今年2月2日,此次下跌就將達到410天,與上次熊市的時間一樣長。據悉,此前最長的熊市出現在2013年11月至2015年1月,期間比特幣的價格從1100美元以上的高點跌至178美元的低點。從2015年1月過後,比特幣價格持續反彈,一直到2017年達到19000美元的歷史高位。

4. 【Analyst: The fall is about to break the longest bear market record】

According to Newsbtc, cryptocurrency analyst Josh Rager said that by February 2 this year, the decline will reach 410 days, as long as the last bear market. It is reported that the longest bear market occurred between November 2013 and January 2015, during which the price of Bitcoin fell from a high of more than $1,100 to a low of $178. After January 2015, bitcoin prices continued to rebound until 2017, reaching a record high of $19,000.

5.【Chrome出現惡意瀏覽器擴展 可盜取用戶比特幣】

據Cryptoglobe消息,近日,谷歌瀏覽器Chrome出現了一個名為“CCB Cash”惡意擴展,該擴展以“在不同交易中返還資金”為幌子吸引用戶安裝,實際上卻偷偷竊取登錄信息並盜走加密貨幣。

CCB Cash於2018年12月3日在Chrome商店推出以來已有181個用戶。用戶在第一次安裝該擴展時會收到打開所有標簽和cookies的請求,以及對Github、Binance、Coinbase和LocalBitcoins等域名的訪問權限,並用戶所在的網站竊取不同的信息。據稱,攻擊者成功盜取超過23枚比特幣,該擴展目前已從商店中刪除。

5.【Chrome has a malicious browser extension that can steal user bitcoin】

According to Cryptoglobe news, Google Chrome has recently launched a malicious extension called "CCB Cash", which expands the user's installation by "returning funds in different transactions", but actually steals login information and steals encryption. currency.

CCB Cash has 181 users since its launch on December 3, 2018 in the Chrome Store. When the user first installs the extension, they receive a request to open all tags and cookies, as well as access to domain names such as Github, Binance, Coinbase, and LocalBitcoins, and the user's website steals different information. The attacker allegedly successfully stolen more than 23 bitcoins, which have now been removed from the store.


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