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【幣巿日記】2019/3/19 Digital currency diary
2019/03/20 10:53:23瀏覽330|回應0|推薦3




1.【分析 | 市場分歧增大 後市多空爭奪將更激烈】



1. [Analysis | Increased market divergence will be more intense in the long and short battles]

According to coindesk analysis, the bitcoin trend formed a cross star yesterday, indicating that the bulls are subject to the 21-week moving average resistance ($4073), so bitcoin prices may fall within the next 24 hours.

If the price falls below $3,930, it will likely fall to the support level of $3,890 and $3,755. At the same time, if the bitcoin price is always higher than $4,000, there is still a chance to rise to the previous high of $4,236. However, the current Technical indicators indicate that any increase above $40.73 may be temporary.

2.【動態 | BW.com與PAXFUL達成戰略合作】


全球的供需雙方可在BW.com平台進行場外交易,可使用美元、歐元等30多個國家的貨幣,通過PayPal、Visa /Master card等超350種的支付方式來購買比特幣。

據悉,BW.com數字貨幣交易所將打造集現貨交易、期權合約交易、全球場外交易、數字資?發行平台?一體的國際一流平台, 為數字貨幣交易者提供一站式的解決方案。

2. [Dynamic | BW.com and PAXFUL reached a strategic cooperation]

According to official news, on March 14, 2019, CW ranked the world's top five trading platform BW.com and the bitcoin P2P trading platform PAXFUL signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly develop the digital currency global over-the-counter market.

Global supply and demand sides can trade on the BW.com platform for over-the-counter transactions. They can use more than 30 countries such as US dollars and Euros to purchase Bitcoin through over 350 payment methods such as PayPal and Visa/Master card.

It is reported that the BW.com digital currency exchange will create a world-class platform integrating spot trading, options contract trading, global over-the-counter trading and digital asset issuance platform, providing a one-stop solution for digital currency traders.

3.【分析 | IEO引發市場熱情 BNB鏈上活躍度陡增】





3. [Analysis | IEO sparks market enthusiasm BNB chain activity is steeply increased]

According to TokenGazer data analysis, the top five tokens in the ERC20 token in the past 24 hours are:

BNB, MXM, KIN, ENJ, USDC. BNB has the highest number of active addresses.

On March 19th, the coin launchpad will soon start Celer's IEO crowdfunding release, benefiting from the industry influence of the currency security itself and the novelty of the IEO model. The previous BTT and FET market performance was good when it went online. The enthusiasm for Celer's investment will also be higher.

Since the hard top is $1500, it is about 100BNB, the screening interval is 50BNB-100BNB, and the data is 12:00AM on the 19th. In this interval, the number of transactions on the chain on the 17th is 21.6%; the ratio on the 18th is 32.0%; on the 19th, the proportion was 44.9%, which shows that the number of people participating in IEO is increasing rapidly.

4.【動態 | XRP 一款插件已添加至Microsoft Outlook 用戶可通過郵件發送XRP】

據oracletimes消息,一位名爲SchlaubiD的獨立開發人員正在將XRP Tip Bot的API作爲插件集成到主流電子郵件應用程序中。

這將允許用戶通過電子郵件將XRP發送給任何人,即使接收者沒有XRP地址也可以這樣做。該插件目前正在Outlook 2016上運行,並在Office 365上獲得支持。開發人員表示,他還將探索通過擴展程序爲Gmail帶來類似的功能。

4. [Dynamic | XRP plugin has been added to Microsoft Outlook users can send XRP by mail]

According to oracletimes news, an independent developer named SchlaubiD is integrating the XRP Tip Bot API as a plugin into mainstream email applications.

This will allow the user to send XRP to anyone via email, even if the recipient does not have an XRP address. The plugin is currently running on Outlook 2016 and is supported on Office 365. Developers said he will also explore the use of extensions to bring similar functionality to Gmail.

5.動態 | 瑞士在線零售商Digitec Galaxus開始接受比特幣等的支付

據bitcoinist消息,瑞士在線零售商Digitec Galaxus宣布現在接受特定加密貨幣付款。



5. [Dynamic | Swiss online retailer Digitec Galaxus began accepting payments from Bitcoin, etc.]

According to bitcoinist news, Swiss online retailer Digitec Galaxus announced that it is now accepting payments in a specific cryptocurrency.

These cryptocurrencies include BTC, BCH, BSV, ETH, XRP, BNB, LTC, TRX, OMG, NEO.

All transactions are processed by third party payment processor Coinify and charge a 1.5% conversion fee.

6.【分析 | 豐水期電力成本下降約30% 帶動礦工入場速率加快】



6. [Analysis | Electricity cost decreased by about 30% during the flood season to drive the miners to enter the market faster]

According to TokenInsight data, the TI index reflecting the overall performance of the blockchain industry reported 385.93 points at 8:00 on March 19, an increase of 0.13 points or 0.03% from the same period of last year. In addition, among the 28 segments closely watched by TokenInsight, the highest increase in 24 hours was for the entertainment and gaming platform industry, with a growth rate of 9.21%; the highest decline in 24 hours was for the energy and mining applications industry, a decline of 5.75%.

According to the monitoring, the number of BTC active addresses decreased by 7.13% from the same period of last week to 581,100, and the number of transfers increased by 5.41% from the same period of last week to 271,500. BCtrend analysts] Jeffrey believes that the cost of electricity during the wet season is about 30%, driving the rate of miners to enter the market, and the short-term mainstream POW currency continues to increase.

7.【動態 | CELR上線Binance Launchpad後17分35秒完成衆籌】

據幣安官方消息,Binance Launchpad於今晚10:00上線Celer Network(CELR)售賣項目,597014925枚CELR共花費17分35秒便衆籌完畢。趙長鵬發布推文稱,39003人嘗試購買,3129成功搶到。

7. [Dynamic | CELR launched the crowdfunding after 17 minutes and 35 seconds after the Binance Launchpad]

According to the official news of the currency security, Binance Launchpad launched the Celer Network (CELR) sale project at 10:00 tonight, and the 597,014,925 CELR took 17 minutes and 35 seconds to complete the crowdfunding. Zhao Changpeng issued a tweet saying that 39,003 people tried to buy, and 3129 successfully grabbed it.


The above is a coin diary that has been selected for two hours today. I hope you will like it. If this sharing diary helps you, please don't hesitate, follow, share and forward, thank you.



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