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【幣巿日記】2019/4/11 Digital currency diary
2019/04/11 10:31:10瀏覽190|回應0|推薦0


Crowdfunding is hot and cold, and the market callback is coming soon. The opportunity to make up the position is coming?



1.【動態 | 以太坊ICO狀況持續低迷,用戶活躍度須保持關注 】

區塊鏈投研機構TokenGazer發佈ETH 3月月報:以太坊此前最活躍的使用途徑爲Token發行和募資,首次Token公開發行的月度趨勢能夠較好反應以太坊用戶的活躍度趨勢,延續此前的低迷態勢,以太坊3月ICO數據再創新低,環比縮水了80.83%,同比縮水99.17%。雖然IEO相比於以太坊ICO數據並非一個當量級別,但是IEO的火爆與ICO的冷淡兩者形成了鮮明的對比。

1. [Dynamic | Ethereum ICO situation continues to be sluggish, user activity must be maintained] (ETH)

Blockchain investment agency TokenGazer released ETH March monthly report: Ethereums most active use of the previous issue for Token issuance and fundraising, the first monthly trend of Token public release can better reflect the activity trend of Ethereum users, continuing the previous In the downturn, Ethereums ICO data in March reached a new low, with the contract shrinking by 80.83% and shrinking by 99.17% year-on-year. Although IEO is not an equivalent level compared to the Ethereum ICO data, the popularity of IEO is in stark contrast to the ICOs indifference.

2.【公告 | Bitfinex移除新用戶一萬美金最低金額限制

Bitfinex發佈消息稱,今日起,將移除之前新用戶需存入一萬美金的最低金額限制門檻。目前,Bitfinex已通過相關舉措提升用戶體驗,其中,新的用戶身份驗證(KYC)中心,第三方服務提供商可更便捷地處理用戶身份驗證請求;Santiment 代幣信息中心,提供了平台上所有代幣的相關信息。

2. [Announcement | Bitfinex removes the new users 10,000 US dollar minimum amount limit] (Exchange)

Bitfinex released a message saying that starting today, it will remove the minimum threshold for new users to deposit $10,000. At present, Bitfinex has improved the user experience through related initiatives. Among them, the new User Authentication (KYC) Center, third-party service providers can more easily handle user authentication requests; the Santiment Token Information Center provides all generations on the platform. Information about the currency.

3.【動態 | 比特幣挖礦將被淘汰上微博熱搜


3. [Dynamic | Bitcoin mining will be eliminated on Weibo hot search] (BTC mining)

4/8, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Draft for Comment" to classify virtual currency mining as a phase-out industry. Weibo search shows that the current "bitcoin mining will be eliminated" ranked the tenth in the hot search.

4.【動態 | Tether Treasury轉出800萬USDT流入幣安錢包】

據Tokenview數據顯示,Tether Treasury錢包於4/9 16:18分四筆交易向1Fcm開頭的錢包轉帳共計800萬USDT,據悉,該錢包歸屬爲幣安,目前余額排名USDT富豪榜第16位。 收款錢包地址:1Fcm2dFapE6i5S1TF3KL1unwkTzAaArj22。

4. [Dynamic | Tether Treasury Transfers 8 Million USDT Into Coin Wallet] (USDT)

According to Tokenview data, the Tether Treasury wallet transferred 4,9, 16:18 to the wallet at the beginning of 1Fcm for a total of 8 million USDT. It is reported that the wallet belongs to the currency security, and the current balance is ranked 16th in the USDT rich list. Collection wallet address: 1Fcm2dFapE6i5S1TF3KL1unwkTzAaArj22.

5.【動態 | Monero開發人員修複加密貨幣硬件錢包 Ledger的漏洞】

Monero開發人員在reddit上發帖子稱,已經修復了一個涉及加密貨幣硬件錢包 Ledger的一個漏洞,該補丁由Monero開發人員luigi1111和stoffu發佈。據了解,該問題僅影響使用Ledger Nano S設備訪問其XMR錢包的用戶。

5. [Dynamic | Monero Developer Fixes Cryptographic Money Hardware Wallet Ledger Vulnerabilities] (Wallet)

Monero developers posted on reddit that a vulnerability has been fixed in the cryptocurrency hardware wallet Ledger, which was released by Monero developers luigi1111 and stoffu. It is understood that this issue only affects users who access their XMR wallet using the Ledger Nano S device.

6.【動態 | Bitfinex比特幣空頭頭寸昨日下跌27%至年內低位】

據chepicap消息,4/8 Bitfinex交易所中比特幣空頭持倉最近突然減少了27%,這導致人們認爲,隨著比特幣超過5000美元,越來越多的空頭開始轉爲看漲比特幣,數據顯示,Bitfinex空頭倉位從23000個BTC迅速下降到17000個空頭倉位以下。


6. [Dynamic | Bitfinex Bitcoin short position fell 27% yesterday to low in the year] (Bitcoin futures)

According to the chepicap news, the bitcoin short position in the 4/8 Bitfinex exchange has suddenly dropped by 27% recently, which leads people to believe that as bitcoin exceeds $5,000, more and more shorts are beginning to turn into bullish bitcoin, data. It shows that the Bitfinex short position has dropped rapidly from 23,000 BTCs to 17,000 short positions to the lowest point of the year, while the long position seems to be increasing, but the price of Bitcoin has not changed significantly, and has been around 5250USDT. This phenomenon has also triggered a hot debate in the market. Some Twitter users think this has caused a panic in the bear market. Others believe that this may indicate that large traders are converting the sell order into a buy order. However, there are also assumptions about manipulation.

7.【動態 | Opera正式推出內置以太坊錢包的瀏覽器】

據coindesk消息,Opera已正式推出其新瀏覽器的桌面版本,內置加密貨幣錢包,該瀏覽器名爲“Reborn 3”,可用於Mac,Windows和Linux操作系統。該軟體允許用戶探索“Web 3”的基於區塊鏈的分散應用程序(dapps)並與之交互,並且錢包可以讓用戶進行加密貨幣交易。

7. [Dynamic | Opera officially launched a browser with built-in Ethereum wallet] (browser)

According to coindesk, Opera has officially launched a desktop version of its new browser with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet called "Reborn 3" for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems. The software allows users to explore and interact with "Web 3" blockchain-based distributed applications (dapps), and the wallet allows users to conduct cryptocurrency transactions.

8.【動態 | CME的比特幣期貨市場份額穩步上漲,CBOE卻大幅下降】


8. [Dynamic | CMEs bitcoin futures market share has risen steadily, CBOE has fallen sharply] (Bitcoin futures)

According to Diar, in the Bitcoin futures contract market, the market share of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange has been growing steadily since 2018, while the Chicago Board Options Exchange has fallen sharply. In addition, Grayscales Bitcoin Investment Trust, a grayscale investment institution in the over-the-counter market, also lost its dominant position. At the beginning of 2018, GBTC accounted for more than 50% of the total market share of the three institutional products, but now it is less than 24%.

9.【聲音 | 日本參議員:日本1萬面值新版紙幣將導致超級通貨膨脹 或將引起加密貨幣暴漲



9. [Sound] Japanese Senator: Japans 10,000 denominations of new banknotes will lead to hyperinflation or will cause cryptocurrency to skyrocket] (BTC)

According to Cointelegraph, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso announced today that he plans to update the banknotes of 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen and 1,000 yen in the first half of 2024. The last yen update was in 2004, but the banknotes with a face value of 10,000 yen were the first since 1984. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun commented on the update of banknotes to promote the cashless process. Japanese Senator Fujikori believes that people lose trust in Japanese banks that adhere to the non-traditional financial policy of “quantitative easing”, triggering hyperinflation and the yen. The day of the plunging is coming. In an interview in February this year, Fujiwara Health History said that the release of new editions of banknotes and deposit blockades could cause a surge in cryptocurrency.


The above is a coin diary that has been selected for two hours today. I hope you will like it. If this sharing diary helps you, please share and forward, thank you.


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