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【幣巿日記】2019/4/25 Digital currency diary
2019/04/25 20:24:11瀏覽204|回應0|推薦7

是大回調還是假誘空真煙囪,請站隊! (要看到最後哦!)

Is it a big callback or a fake lure really chimney, please stand up! (To see the last!)


1.OKEx BTC合約多頭反超空頭 ETH合約多頭持續佔優 】                             




1.【OKEx BTC contract long over-the-short ETH contract longs continue to dominate 】

As of 8:00 this morning, in the OKEx Bitcoin contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 22.77%, and the short-term average position ratio was 21.29%, the bullish dominant.

In the Ethereum contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio is 27.15%, the short-term average position ratio is 13.11%, and the long-term average position ratio is dominant.

The current total number of BTC contract positions is approximately 66,300 BTC, an increase of 12.56%; the total number of ETH contract positions is approximately 869,700 ETH, an increase of 1.33%.

2.【動態 | 泰國最大企業聯手泰國匯商銀行 用Ripple區塊鏈技術進行跨境支付

Bitcoin Exchange Guide消息,泰國第一家商業銀行泰國匯商銀行(SCB)宣布,與泰國最大企業PTT勘探生産股份有限公司(PTTEP)合作,開展試點,應用瑞波幣運營方Ripple的區塊鏈技術解決方案,進行在區塊鏈上支付的試點,款項到帳時間從傳統方式所需的一兩天縮短到不足一分鍾。

2. [Dynamic | Thailands largest company teamed up with Thailand Huishang Bank to use Ripple blockchain technology for cross-border payments]

According to the Bitcoin Exchange Guide, Thailands first commercial bank, Thailands Bank of Communications (SCB), announced that it will cooperate with Thailands largest company, PTT Exploration and Production Co., Ltd. (PTTEP), to launch a pilot application of Ripples blockchain technology. The solution is to conduct a pilot payment on the blockchain, and the payment time is reduced from one or two days required by the traditional method to less than one minute.

3.【動態 | 法國興業銀行在以太坊發行1.12億美元債券

據CoinDesk消息,法國金融服務巨頭法國興業銀行以證券代幣形式向公衆發行了價值1.12億美元的以太坊區塊鏈債券。該銀行使用OFH token(債務融資憑證)來代表1億歐元的擔保債券,這種證券由特定資産支持,但仍留在發行者的資産負債表上。

3. [Dynamic | Societe Generale issues $112 million in bonds in Ethereum]

According to CoinDesk, French financial services giant Société Générale issued a $112 million Ethereum blockchain bond to the public in the form of securities tokens. The bank uses OFH tokens to represent 100 million euros of guaranteed bonds, which are backed by specific assets but remain on the issuers balance sheet.

4.【動態 | Matic Network即將開始發售】

Binance Launchpad項目Matic Network,將在04月24日16:00--2019年04月26日22:00(香港時間)開始發售,此次發售將以搖號抽簽方式進行。 Matic Network運用側鏈的鏈下運算來提供擴展性解決方案, 同時運用PlasmaPoS機制來確保資産安全性,致力於打造安全、快捷、好用的區塊鏈。Matic項目估值僅爲兩千五百萬美金,Launchpad硬頂500萬美金,是迄今爲止各個大交易IEO項目中估值最低的一個。

4. [Dynamic | Matic Network is about to start shipping]

The Bince Launchpad project, the Matic Network, will be available for sale on April 24th from 16:00 to 2019 at 22:00 (Hong Kong time). The sale will be conducted by lottery. The Matic Network uses sidechain chain operations to provide an extensibility solution, while using Plasma and PoS mechanisms to ensure asset security and to create a secure, fast and easy to use blockchain. The Matic project is valued at only $25 million, and the Launchpad hardtop is $5 million. It is the lowest valuation among the major trading IEO projects to date.

5.動態 | 受總統選舉和加密夫婦海上家園事件影響,比特幣在泰國交易量激增


5. [Dynamic | Bitcoin transactions in Thailand surged due to presidential elections and the encryption of couples at home]

According to trustnodes, in the past week, Thailands bitcoin transaction volume has increased fourfold, reaching the highest level in the country, about 70 million baht ($2 million), significantly higher than the approximately 50 million baht (1.6 million) in December 2017. USD). The main reason may be the recent Thai governments recent sanctions against a couple of crypto couples, raising awareness of Bitcoin in the countrys population. Another reason is Thailands recent presidential election. If the former prime minister of Thailand, a bitcoin enthusiast, believes that the opposition party in which the supporter is located can prevail, then the relatively affluent and technologically advanced Bangkok may become a fairly large encryption center. .

6.【分析 | 福布斯:即將引發比特幣價格飙升和大規模應用的三個主要因素】



6. [Analysis | Forbes: Three major factors that are about to trigger bitcoin price spikes and large-scale applications]

According to Forbes news, in the long run, there are three key points that may drive the accelerated development of BTC. The first key point is that Bitcoin should remain fragmented while adding more protocol layers to solve the scaling problem. The second condition is the financialization of bitcoin, which needs to emphasize the importance of bitcoin futures spread on exchanges.

The last major factor is the millennial generations involvement in the investment and use of Bitcoin. By 2029, the disposable income of millennials may exceed the disposable income of previous generations. This generation is more friendly to blockchains and cryptocurrencies, which will help bitcoin applications and their price increases.

7.【動態 | 螞蟻礦機S17 Pro推出兩款新版本 4/24 14時開售】

據螞蟻礦機官方消息,比特大陸推出的搭載第二代7nm芯片的S17Pro將於4月24日14時再次開售。此次S17Pro提供50T及53T兩個版本。S17Pro 50T版本額定算力爲50.00TH / s ±3%,牆上功耗爲1975W+3%; S17 Pro 53T版本額定算力爲53.00TH / s ±3%,牆上功耗爲2094W+3%。

7. [Dynamic | Ant mining machine S17 Pro launched two new versions 4/24 14 oclock sale]

According to the official news of Ant Mining Machine, the S17Pro equipped with the second generation 7nm chip launched by Bitland will be re-sold at 14 oclock on April 24th. The S17Pro is available in 50T and 53T versions. The S17Pro 50T version has a rated power of 50.00TH / s ±3%, wall power consumption is 1975W+3%; S17 Pro 53T version rated power is 53.00TH / s ±3%, wall power consumption is 2094W+3% .

8.分析 | 比特幣交易在納斯達克上市,可能會對比特幣復甦做出重大貢獻






8. [Analysis | Bitcoin transactions listed on NASDAQ may make a significant contribution to Bitcoin recovery]

According to zycrypto news, recently Twitter users broke the news that they bought a bitcoin on the NASDAQ platform, which was confirmed to be testing the transaction.

If this happens eventually, it could make a significant contribution to the recovery of Bitcoin, allowing digital assets to be used on a larger scale by opening up another transaction, especially in the United States.

Nasdaq is one of the worlds highest-value exchanges, second only to the New York Stock Exchange, which has been helping to promote the use of Bitcoin.

Earlier this year, the exchange began offering the Bitcoin Index and the Ethereum Index, and the asset was included in the transaction. The listing of Bitcoin on major traditional exchanges such as Nasdaq will be a powerful driver for the development of bitcoin and digital assets, and it will also help investors who have previously been unable to use cryptocurrency exchanges.

Bitcoin has performed quite well since the beginning of April, which is the main reason for the growing interest in cryptocurrency in the traditional financial industry.

9.【分析 | BTC將漲至6000美元 但需要先盤整或回調】




9. [Analysis | BTC will rise to $6,000 but need to first consolidate or callback]

According to Coindesk analysis, BTC presented a bullish crossover of the 50-day and 200-day moving averages on the daily line, the first since October 2015, and the cross represents a long-term bearish to bullish trend change.

The new high created today will raise the BTCs rebound prospects to $6,000. However, there may be a consolidation or price correction before the rally, as the gold cross is accompanied by overbought and neutral long/short ratios for the relative strength index.

If the 4/23 close does not exceed $5,466 (April 10 high), the chances of a callback to $5,000 will increase.


The above is a coin diary that has been selected for two hours today. I hope you will like it. If this sharing diary helps you, please share and forward, thank you.



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