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2015/06/09 04:07:07瀏覽1204|回應1|推薦15

"If a novel is winter, and a short story is a snow storm, then a poem is a snowball, squeezed."~ Bruce Dethlefsen
“如果長篇小說是冬天,短篇小說是一場暴風雪,那麼詩便是一個雪球,捏緊的。”~ 布鲁思․戴索森(Bruce Dethlefsen,1948-)2011-2012年美国威斯康辛州桂冠诗人。

"I see woefully obscure poetry as simply a kind of verbal rudeness." ~ Billy Collins
“在我看來,晦澀得可怕的詩不過是一種粗暴無禮的言語。”~柯林斯(Billy Collins ,1941-),2001-2003年美國桂冠诗人。 ,

"The door to what a poem is should be left wide open." ~ Joe Sottile
“該讓「什麼是一首詩」的門敞開”~ Joe Sottile,美國詩人

"Poets are those who notice." ~ Phyllis Beckman
“詩人是那些關心留意的人”~ Phyllis Beckman

"Most people ignore poetry because most poetry ignores most people." ~ Adrian Mitchell
“許多人漠視詩是因為許多詩漠視了許多人。” ~ Adrian Mitchell(1932-2008),英國詩人

"There have not been many American poets, living or dead, you’d want to bring home to meet your grandmother or have speak to your Bible study group". ~ Charles Simic
“沒有多少個美國詩人,在世的或已去世的,你會要帶回家去同你的祖母見面,或去你的聖經班上講話。” ~ Charles Simic (1938-),美國詩人。

"...good poetry can be as ornate as a cathedral or as bare as a pottingshed..." ~ Mona Van Duyn
“。。。好的詩能如教堂般華麗,也能如盆栽棚般簡樸。。。”~ Mona Van Duyn(1921-2004),美國桂冠詩人(1992-1993)

"Poetry is pleasure. If it’s not pleasure, it’s not worth reading." ~ Louis Jenkins
“詩是樂趣。如果它不是樂趣,那它便不值得閱讀。” ~ Louis Jenkins (1942-),美國散文詩人。

"Your relationship with poetry is what it is. You like what you like. It means to you what it means. It isn't a test." ~ British comedian Robert Webb, featured in the BBC2 program, "My Life in Verse"
“你同詩的關係就是這樣子。你喜歡你所喜歡的。你意味到它所意味的。它不是一種測試。” ~ Robert Webb (1972-),英國喜劇演員。

"Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits." ~ Carl Sandburg
“詩是風信子和餅乾的合成物。” ~ 卡爾•桑德堡(Carl Sandburg,1878-1967),美國詩人。

"America may be going to hell in every other way, but fine poems continue to be written now and then." ~ Charles Simic
“美國可能在各方面都很糟糕,但好詩仍不斷出現。”~ Charles Simic,美國作家。

"Poetry is life distilled." ~ Gwendolyn Brooks
“詩是生活的提煉。”~ 布魯克斯(Gwendolyn Brooks,1917-2000),美國女詩人,前任伊利諾州桂冠詩人。

"Breathe-in experience, breathe-out poetry." ~ Muriel Rukeyser
“吸入經驗,呼出詩歌。”~陸開舍( Muriel Rukeyser,1913-1980),美國女詩人。

"A poem is never finished, only abandoned." ~ Paul Valery
“一首詩從沒完成,只被放棄。”~ 瓦雷里(Paul Valery,1871-1945),法國詩人。

"Poetry: the best words in the best order." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“詩:最佳語言的最佳安排。” ~ 柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge,1772-1834)英國詩人。

"Whenever I read a poem that moves me, I know I'm not alone in the world. I feel a connection to the person who wrote it, knowing that he or she has gone through something similar to what I've experienced , or felt something like what I have felt. And their poem gives me hope and courage, because I know that they survived, that their life force was strong enough to turn experience into words and shape it into meaning and then bring it toward me to share. The gift of their poem enters deeply into me and helps me live and believe in living. ~ Gregory Orr, from "The Making of Poems," broadcast on NPR's All Things Considered, 2/20/06
“每當我讀到一首感動我的詩,我就知道我在這世上并不孤單。我感到我同那作者有某種聯繫,知道他或她曾經歷了一些我也經歷過,或感到了我曾感到過的的東西。他們的詩給了我希望與勇氣,因為我知道他們挺過來了,他們的生命力強大得能把經驗變成文字并賦予意義然後帶來同我共享。他們詩的禮物深入到我的內裡,幫我活下去并相信生活。” ~ Gregory Orr,摘自“詩的完成”,2006年2月20日在國家廣播電台的廣播。

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2015/06/09 04:36
果真是 “詩的名言”,道出了詩人們的心聲、且針針見血!謝謝您的分享!