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芝麻事: 比南極還冷的地方
2019/01/30 12:08:29瀏覽1708|回應14|推薦39


根據老黃曆,昨天是大寒,正是2019冬季來自北極渦漩的Big Chill發威,給北美苦寒的人們下馬威的時候。



Polar plunge creates dangerous travel across Midwest




Heavy snow hits Midwest amid record-breaking cold
Parts of the Midwest are bracing for some of the coldest temperatures in decades, and blizzard-like conditions are causing accidents on the road.)


Record low temperatures hit Midwest as cold front sweeps through U.S.





How the polar vortex could be linked to climate change



歷經數日 華氏零下幾乎要破紀錄的冷,今日最高溫還沒超過華氏0度。(咱們大芝加哥區雖沒破了-27F的紀錄,可是芝城東北90Mile遠的Rockford卻創下它的-31F紀錄),坐看往日的紀錄片,也挺有意思的:

Chicago Blizzards





( 在地生活北美 )
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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2019/07/07 12:24
How did you spend the long weekend? Summer time in Chicago is far more than a blessing. Gardening and outdoors activities of all sorts always excite many people.
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-07-09 12:19 回覆:

Gardening?! Not me. My knowledge of Horticulture is very limited, plus, being a lazy girl as I, it is possibly I would forget watering my plants, they'd better be able to take care of themselve.

Outdoor activity?! Me?! Rarely. The only sports I can do are swimming, bicycling, and walking. But, I have not been near to a pool for about 30 years, ever since left Texas. I could not find a clean enough pool to jump in. As for bicycling and walking, too hot in Summer, too cold in Winter, too much raing in Spring, and too beautiful in the Fall to stay-->hop in to drive to UP for the foliage trip!!

I know, I know. I am hopeless. 
You know what? My high school best friend teased me that Librarian's the best profession for me. It's kind of true, I am a warm, from a bookwarm turned to an youtube-warm. Hey, I am progressing, am I?

Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2019/07/05 10:28
Life runs in a narrow path to balancing act, convincing tact, and satisfying fact.
I enjoyed watching your responses for the witty emotion and piercing fairness. Your remarks always brought me smiles - a mathematicIan of a beautiful heart!
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-07-05 11:34 回覆:

It's 4th July fireworks outside. I have finished all the youtubes I could find all day (of course I did my couch potatoe's duty, again); it's kind of too early to go to bed for this holiday... Hey, here it is, something to use up my unlimited wi-fi usage: to response to my dear blogger friend.

'Beautiy' let's talk about it. Ever since my mother's commend (when I was 7 years old) that she would not have worried of her little daughter (me, she's looking at me when I stood just right in front  of her) for her less average's outlook would not get trouble running onto her!! I have made up my mind that if I couldn't be a 'beauty' by my outlook, I'd rather to be a 'beauty' inside.

Well , the truth is I am a beauty in my dog's eyes. Because, dogs don't have human's eyes, they use their heart to see us.

Thank you to be a true friend that you have found the 'beauty' of mine, like my BabyDog. Truely, like my expressing my gratitude of being my BFF (Best Friend Forever) when BabyDog decided to let go, he understood my sincere thankfulness, I believe you understand my thankful appreciation.

Thank You to see me as a 'Beauty.'

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-07-05 11:58 回覆:

something came from the mentioning of "7 years old"~

(having trouble to embed the youtube of Lukas Graham's song, guess if you click the link, it still works.)



Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
Did you not love it cold?
2019/06/14 00:20

An unmanned vehicle would serve well in the icy roads.

How have you been of late, and enjoying the early summer already?

All the best, Kirk  

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-06-23 02:23 回覆:

Hey, sorry for back to you late, just read your message. I have not clicked my own littlezone for a long time... busy but not that busy... for I spend all my leisure hours in watching youtube since I have ever read the news of those 'creazy people' singing 夜襲 on the train back home...

I admire the awakening people; and, those ecentric people who awake the proletariat. It's a movement to encourage the silence to speak out.

Any gov. or party can't "For the People, Of the People, By the People" should be sholve to the trash.

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-06-23 02:30 回覆:
Shamfully to say (but not regret) that the consequence being a couch potato watching youtube is gaining fatty midle size. Hey, No Regret.
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-07-04 09:36 回覆:

Awared of the typo right after the posting, should I or should I not to correct it? It's really not issue of to be or not to be, simply just do it!!

So, here is the correction:
should be sholve sholved to the trash.

2019/01/31 10:08




nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-01-31 12:00 回覆:

13度,是攝氏? 我猜。換算成華氏應是55度,呵呵~ 很溫暖的溫度呀。
氣象預報說這星期三、四 兩天受北極渦漩肆虐冷到華氏零下24度的芝加哥,星期六溫度會回升到華氏45度,大家都開心說有人會以短褲、短衫迎接這極地渦旋後的春天。

幾天內的溫差如此之大,Global Warming導致氣候變遷加劇,可就是有那麼一群無知無識的共和黨人死不承認。

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-02-01 12:00 回覆:

昨天提到Extreme weather 與Global Warming,無知的說這麼冷的天氣Global Warmig在哪裡? 真乃呆子的屁話。下面就是How The Polar Vortex Is Linked To Climate Change | NBC News Signal (The Polar Vortex is hitting parts of the U.S. with record-breaking temperatures. But some are wondering, what happened to global warming? We asked David Kanter, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at NYU to break things down for us.):


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