1.泡麵、湯麵──每一碗含鹽量約為6.7克,超過一天 攝取量的一半。如果真的無法克制想吃的慾望,千 萬要記得別把湯全都喝光光,因為鹽分多含在湯頭中。
2.燴飯、油飯、炒飯──一人份含鹽量4.2克,如果把它 當白飯吃,就等於攝取了一天攝取量近半的鹽分,再 搭配其他菜餚,鹽分鐵定超過一天的攝取限量。
4.吐司──每一片吐司含1克的鹽分,如果再加上牛油或 奶油,很容易就攝取過量。
5.魚漿製品(魚板、花枝丸、黑輪等)──魚漿製品在製 作時已加了鹽,在烹煮過程中又會再調味,不知不覺就 會吃進太多鹽分。
6.醃製品(鹹魚、肉乾、香腸、泡菜)──這些加工製品 在製程中已經加了很多調味料,無形中更容易吃過量。
Foods which make you fat 1.) Ramen/instant noodles the amount of salt in each serving is approximately 6.7 grams (which exceeds half of the amount that you actually need daily). If you really couldn*t resist the desire to eat ramen noodles, remember not to drink up the soup. The reason is that the majority of salt dissolves in the soup.
2.) Fried rice, stew-like rice, and &greasy* rice (yo fian) 每 one serving contains 4.2 grams salt. If you eat it like nothing, you are gaining the amount of salt more than you actually need per day. If you eat the above-listed types of rice with other dishes, it guarantees that you are way surpassing the amount of daily salt intake.
3.) Pizza 1/6 slice (of the whole pie) has 3.5 grams salt. Pizza crust usually contains more salt.
4.) Toast each slice contains 1 gram salt. If you spread butter on your toast, it*s very likely that you exceed your salt intake.
5.) Fish meat emulsion products (fish cake, cuttlefish balls and so on) Fish meat emulsion is added salt during the manufacturing process. Manufacturers would flavor the products with more salt in their cooking procedure. Consumers would have too much salt intake unknowingly.
6.)Preserved or pickled foods (salted fish, beef/pork jerky, sausages, kimchi) 每 Likewise, these foods are added various kinds of flavoring during the making process.