最近流行生機飲食,很多人一早就喝蔬果汁,雖說可以提供蔬果中直接的營養及清理體內廢物,但大家忽略了一個最重要的關鍵,那就是人的體內永遠喜歡溫暖的環境,身體溫暖,微血管循環才會正常,氧氣、營養及廢物等的運送才會順暢。所以吃早餐時,千萬不要先喝蔬果汁、冰咖啡、冰果汁、冰紅茶、綠豆沙、冰牛奶等等,短時間內也許您不覺得身體有什麼不舒服,事實上會讓你的身體日漸衰弱的,這是為什麼呢 ?
吃早餐應該吃「熱食」,才能保護「胃氣」。中醫學說的胃氣,其實是廣義的, 並不單純指「胃」這個器官而已,其中包含了脾胃的消化吸收能力、後天的免疫力、 肌肉的功能等。因為早晨的時候,夜間的陰氣未除,大地溫度尚未回升。體內的肌肉、神經及血管都還呈現收縮的狀態,假如這時候你再吃喝冰冷的食物,必定使體內各個系統更加攣縮、血流更加不順,也許剛開始吃喝冰冷的食物的時候,你不覺得胃腸有什麼不舒服,但日子一久或年齡漸長,你會發現怎麼吸收不到食物精華,好像老是吃不結實,或是大便老是稀稀的,或是皮膚越來越差,或是喉嚨老是隱隱有痰不清爽,時常感冒,小毛病不斷,這就是傷了胃氣,傷了身體的抵抗力。
Organic food is pretty popular these days. Tons of people like to drink juice in the morning to gain nutrients and clear out unwanted waste in the body. However, the general public ignores a significant point as far as drinking juice is concerned. The point is that human bodies tend to favor warm environment. When your body is warm, blood circulation is regular. Hence, in blood vessels, the transportation of oxygen, nutrients, and unwanted waste would be effortless. Consequently, when you eat breakfast, avoid drinking cold coffee or milk, icy juice, or cold black tea. You might not sense any physical discomfort at first. As a matter of fact, cold drink intake at breakfast will weaken your health. Why is that?
When you eat warm or hot food at breakfast, it protects “stomach chi”. In Chinese medicine, the definition of stomach chi is broad. It does not solely refer to stomach as an organ alone. Stomach chi also includes digestion of stomach and spleen, its absorption, immunity, muscle function and so on. In the morning, the“yin”chi from nighttime does not yet subside and temperature of the mother earth has not risen to average. During this time of the day, muscles, nerves and blood vessels are still not their normal sizes. Thus, if you have cold drink or cold food intake, it might jam your blood circulation, disturb natural function of the body system. You might not discern the ill effects in the beginning though. With the passage of time or when you get older, you might discover, for some odd reason, that you couldn’t absorb the essence of your diet, you might constantly have loose bowels, and your skin quality deteriorates. You might even catch a cold easily, appear to have mucus in the throat, or simply seem to feel under the weather most of the time.
As a result, it is suggested that we eat hot porridge, oat meal, drink goat milk, soybean dessert (To-Hua), soybean milk, or hot sesame drink in the morning. Then, you can also add some vegetables, bread, sandwich, light dessert to your morning diet as well. I don’t recommend drinking cow’s milk here to a specific group indicated in the following for some limited reasons. It is because cow’s milk is not suitable for people who have sensitive bowels, stomach, or skin. Cow’s milk is not ideal for people who live in the humid climate either.