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Water Music
2006/12/10 15:02:58瀏覽469|回應0|推薦4

此Water Music 並不是指韓得爾 ( Handel ) 的水上音樂.

傍晚到了國家音樂廳對面新開不久的中正區運動中心去游泳. 50 x 25 公尺的溫水游泳池 + Water SPA + 烤箱& 蒸氣室.  $ 110 元算是很划算.

27.8 deg C, PH: 7.4, 水蠻乾淨的, 人不是很多, 在這樣第一個寒流來臨的週末午後. 慢慢地開始在水中舒展自己的身體, 1-2 踢腳- 頭低下, 身體伸直, 手往前伸, 吐氣, 撥水, 抬頭, 換氣, --

慢慢地我找回了幾年未游泳的身體節奏, 用一隻溫水中的青蛙的速度, 調節呼吸來回地游了幾趟.

水中是一個無聲的世界, 聽到的只是自己吐出的氣泡聲, 撥水的聲音, 但是會去感受身體平衡, 呼吸以及肢體速度調節的感覺, 像一個演奏家, 在音樂的划行前進中, 心靈並不是只專注在手部使樂器發出聲響的動作, 而還有一部份額外的感知, 回饋, 以讓整個樂曲的運行達到一個和諧與節奏感的狀態. 在水中, 藉由浮力, 人可以去感受到一些自我身體的狀態. 而那部份使用到的腦的部份, 似乎與平常在陸地上時不同, 也許這是一些發展遲緩兒會讓他們去玩水, 讓水接觸他們的肌膚.


音樂,不是「聲音」就是「寂靜」。至今,我選擇了以「聲音」來面對「寂靜」,而這聲音該是獨一無二且有力的聲音。)──Takemitsu, Toru 武滿 徹(日本作曲家,1930~1996)


在水中的寂靜也是有一種音樂. 這就是我要指的 Water Music

回程走到了音樂廳中的 " M 的音樂世界", 找到了想找的貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲( 改編自小提琴協奏曲) , 聽到了店裡播放的 Sony 所出的 Anner Bylsma 的70 年紀念集. 在那店裡, 聽到他的喇叭所流洩出的音樂總是好聽極了, 挑動了不少購買欲, 我到是有點猶豫, 有些歷史錄音的音響效果並不是很好. 雖然想買, 還好沒帶卡出來.

今天剛好在演雲門精選, 人蠻多的. 還與林濁水正對面走過. 新開的 The One 餐廳, 看起來蠻 Avant-Garde 的.

冬天游泳的感覺真好, 以後每週來一次. Water + Music. 既有心靈 也有身體的訓練. ( 雖然現在胸肌酸痛中),

Anner Bylsma
Dutch cellist Anner Bylsma (called the "Rostropovich of the baroque cello" by the Boston Globe), is one of the leading cellists in the world. He was born in the Hague in 1943, and received his first lessons from his father. He studied with Carel van Leeuwen Boonkamp at The Hague Conservatory, where he was awarded the Prix d’excellence in 1957.

In 1959, at the age of sixteen, he won first prize from the Pablo Casals Concours in Mexico. He was solo cellist with the Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam from 1962 to 1968, when he embarked on his career as a soloist.

He performs regularly around the world, and has recorded for Das Alte Werk, Telefunken, Decca, Harmonia Mundi, Seon, RCA, Phillips, and EMI. He recently published a book on the Bach Solo Cello Suites, entitled “Bach, The Fencing Master - Reading aloud from the first three cello suites,” where he discusses his analysis of the Anna Magdalena manuscript and issues related to performing Bach (www.ponticello.com/bylsma).

The reader is also encouraged to seek out Tim Finholt's interview with Anner Bylsma, which is available at the Internet Cello Society site.
Water Music (Handel)
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The Water Music is a collection of orchestral movements, often considered as three suites, composed by George Frideric Handel. It premiered in the summer of 1717 when King George I requested a concert on the River Thames. The concert was performed by 50 musicians that joined King George I on his barge. King George I was said to have loved it so much that he ordered Handel to play the suites three times on the trip.

Contents [hide]
1 Music and Instrumentation
2 Legends
3 External links
4 Recording

[edit] Music and Instrumentation
All the instruments in the Baroque orchestra were brought except the harpsichord since it was impossible to bring an instrument of such size onto the barge.

The instruments include: Two horns, two oboes, one bassoon and the strings.

The "Water Music" opens with a French overture and includes minuets, bourrées and hornpipes. It is divided into three suites:

Suite in F major, HWV 348
Suite in D major, HWV 349
Suite in G major, HWV 350
However, there is good evidence for the somewhat different arrangement found in Friedrich Chrysander's edition of Handel's complete works (Georg Friedrich Händels Werke, Vol. 47, published in 1886), where the "suites" in D and G have their movements mingled together. This sequence derives from Samuel Arnold's first edition of the complete score in 1788 and the manuscript copies dating from Handel's lifetime.

The music in each of the suites has no set order today. When the suite was played for the King, slow, often soft music was played when the King's boat and the orchestra's boat were close together, while louder, brisk passages were played when the boats drifted apart.

The "Music for the Royal Fireworks" is often paired with the "Water Music," in part or in whole, on recordings. Together, these works constitute some of Handel's most famous music for what we would now consider the orchestra.

[edit] Legends
The legend follows that Handel composed the Water Music to regain the favour of King George I. This story was first related by Handel's early biographer John Mainwaring; although this explanation may have some foundation in fact, the tale as told by Mainwaring has been doubted by some Handel scholars.

Many portions of the Water Music have become familiar. Between 1959 and 1988 a "Water Music" movement was used for the ident of Anglia Television. The D major movement in 3/2 meter subtitled "Alla Hornpipe" is particularly notable and has been used frequently for television and radio commercials, including commercials for the privatisation of the UK water companies in the late 1980's. The "Air" and "Bourrée" from the F major "suite" have also become popular with audiences, with the latter being the theme music to the popular cooking show The Frugal Gourmet.

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