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English Composition-What Homosexual Is and What our Perspective toward them
2007/12/01 00:37:34瀏覽710|回應0|推薦1

What Homosexual Is and What our Perspective toward them


Nowadays, It’s common to hear homosexual in our society, and it has become a unlock taboo which is like Pandora’s Box to discuss to love same sex previously. Homosexual in ancient time or in modern city now has been divided into psychologically and physical love toward the same gender. Most people think that to love the same sex is very unusual and disgusting thing, and some traditional family refuse to accept their offspring to confess their truth orientation. Strange to say, we are born to set up for our family to love straight or opposite sex, and if anyone obeys its tradition of loving the opposite sex, he or she will not be accepted by social value or identified as a geek in old traditional perspective. Therefore, some of the homosexual are not allowed to confess and constrain their love in the past feudal society. However, with the progress of revolution of democracy, homosexual can speak for their rights of love, and express themselves telling people that they are equally to accept the same freedom of love. The following parts can be divided into three categories, homosexual‘s features and psychological status, why they have become homosexual, and perspective toward homosexual.


To begin with, a gay guy or a lesbian naturally has something in common, that is, some of them, by nature, were born in the wrong body. Physically, a lesbian can act as a man’s behavior. A man-like lesbian is expected to be a boy by their parents, because their parents would dress her like a boy in the childhood, which forms her the character of being a man or boy. The physical appearance of being a man, but constrained in a woman’s body, made her behavior more like a man. Consciously, she felt like a boy. This is one type of lesbian formed because of their parents’ expectation. However, psychological homosexual is another example. Experts say some of them, while they were in their mother’s womb, they had the genes to love the opposite sex. Maybe they have female’s appearance, but deeply in their heart they have become homosexual. They are easily attracted by the beautiful girls, those who are like Narcissus who care about himself, and finally love himself because he has a handsome face. Despite the fact that a Tom boy or a lesbian play physical or psychological role in love with the same sex, those homosexual features are worth to discuss.


Secondly, a typical gay guy or lesbian was confused by their own sex. Some of them have become homosexual in the all boy or girl school, and it’s common to see a all girl school could bring more same-sex lovers, because they are attracted by some Tom boy who both has man’s character and female’s features. Like those lesbian, a group of gay guys are very tasteful like they have female’s taste. For those reasons, homosexual is based on their growing background or environment where has a big influence for them to be a homosexual. Foe example, in Thailand, we can see many lady-boys working to do surgery to change his original sex, but some of them were born to be men and expected to accept the same sex love. These are to called nature love the same sex.


In our society, hardly can we accept the rule that beyond the normal standard, like hardly can we tolerate homosexual existing in each members of group. We are often use the moral rulers to measure everything, and we forgot these kind of things are happened to every situation. Homosexual is neither a sickness nor a monster. All they need is the same right as heterosexual has, and their sexual orientation could not stand for anything, but our social value always has prejudice and deprives them of loving same gender. We need to consider critically, homosexuality has his or her right any sex, and we cannot judge them by the moral scale. In addition, those who are out of closet are very brave to be honest to themselves. They strive for the right of love and eager that the public should take homosexuality a normal position to accept them. However even some religions are not allowed homosexuality in their church, which puts a great burden on their shoulder.


To sum up, from social value, traditional perspective, religion to public, loving the same sex in past acts as a unacceptable behavior and divided into abnormal tribe, but we can think that homosexuality is just like everyone has different taste toward different kind of fruits, and you cannot force everyone to follow your step to do anything. Especially, we are living in a open-minded and democratic community. To treat a lesbian or gay man fairly is what our perspective toward homosexuality, and  only with more understanding to them, can we know that their lifestyle and what a homosexual is.


What a Lesbian Looks Like, New York

Sexuality, Bristow Joseph, The New Critical idiom, New York

Sexual Citizenship, Evans, David, The Material Construction of Sexualities, New York

Men, Sex and Relationships, Seidler Victor, New York



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