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先發制人, 巷戰?
2017/03/14 18:46:59瀏覽103|回應0|推薦1

A band of anonymous "experts" elaborated a report that suggesting DPP administration adopt pre-emptive strike and house-to-house resistance against PLA should the war between both sides of the strait break out.  For crying out loud, what kind of a silly notion it is!  But why did they work out such a stupid strategy like that; maybe the answer lies in "八成台灣民眾認為大陸攻台美會出兵, 這是哪来的自信?" at http://www.toutiao.com/a6396904404541456641/.

My brother-in-law, a typical Dutai, recently argued with me over the issue, and he believed America(even including Japan) would exert hell-bent efforts to "recover" Taiwan should the island were taken by PLA.  He presumed that America won't never let its anti-China chains of chandelier break.  I simply told him in this peace time, no matter "acknowleges or respects", America and Japan all admit there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is a part of China.  How will they dare to fight China's Mainland when PLA has already taken over the island?  That will be a blatant invasion on China's territory.  Will America and Japan take the consequences of their actions?  All America can do now is to keep on acting like a vampire and drain all the lifeblood of Taiwan by selling junk weapons to those Taidu and Dutai advocates, then forsake the island like it did to KMT in 1949. 

Furthermore, when PLA lands on the island and US-Japan "allied army" comes to "rescue" Taiwan, I just can't imagine how badly the collateral damage will cause.  Is that what you've wanted?  So, like I've always said and I am saying it here again: soliders, lay down your weapons and surrender at once; in so doing, that will be your best way to pledge loyalty to the people of Taiwan, but not to DPP and that crazy woman. 

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