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問鬼神? You've got it!
2017/01/30 07:14:04瀏覽288|回應0|推薦6

In my previous writing "試譯: 李商隱 "賈生"" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/76507150, I said in order to curry favor with the populace, Cai and DPP politicians repaired to various temples as supplicants to local deities for blessings.  (Actually, all politicians in Taiwan did the same, including Ma.)  In the divination label drawn last year at a temple signified and prophesied Cai will be elected as president.  This year the label drawn adversely protended Cai administration, as well as Taiwan, will be in big troubles.

Ive never believed in such kind of superstition; rather, only in pragmatism I always trust.  Now what is the pragmatic approches Cai adminstration should take to grapple with the problems Cai and Taiwan are going to confront this year and many years to come?  You know it.  Get rid of that stupid notion of Taidu, and get back to the right track of one-China.  But will she do it? Absolutely not.  Then I must say the divination label this year will prove particularly efficacious in telling the fortune of Taiwan. 


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