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2017/01/14 09:50:31瀏覽154|回應0|推薦2

In my previous posting "國士無雙---郭永懷/李佩" I introduced the highly esteemed couple at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/73333066; regretfully, bereaved Ms.Li passed away on 1/12 at nearly 100.  Gratifying, she is going to meet her husband, Mr.Guo, in heaven.  Rest in peace, the peerless couple!  Please also refer to 图说李佩:传奇的一生 at http://www.toutiao.com/a6374579101084401921/.

P.S.  The good news was on the very next day of 1/13; Mr. Zhou Youguang(周有光), the venerable founding father of Hanyupinyin, celebrated his 112th birthday.  Please see the biography of the great master at  http://www.toutiao.com/a6374605575346454785/ 

Extra: (Alas!  I just heard Mr.Zhou passed away today, exactly one day after his 112th birthday.)

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