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先烈廖仲愷, 妻何逆香凝, 子廖匪承志.(續)
2016/12/24 03:18:07瀏覽201|回應0|推薦5

My previous writing "先烈廖仲愷, 妻何逆香凝, 子廖匪承志." at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/61854414 just gave you a brief introduction on Liao's families. 

Now I would like to introduce you another article about Liaos', "全國重點文物保護單位:廖仲愷何香凝墓" at http://www.toutiao.com/a6366885588247380226/ as a supplementary information about the constant political infighting withing KMT, which has been the "tradition" of the party, except during the Chiangs' era in earlier Taiwan.  

You know since that Jap Li, solidarity has become the major problem for KMT in election, without it DPP could stand little chance to win.   

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