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hindsight---a NBA-pick revaluation on Jeremy Lin(林書豪)
2016/12/18 13:49:00瀏覽300|回應1|推薦8

Yesterday I found an interesting report online which is attached below.  The report revaluated 2010 NBA picks performance of today and gave a hindsight on what the drafts should have been.  You know what?  Jeremy Lin was supposed to be selected as number 10 pick in the first round.


Actually Jeremy Lin was a non-draft in that year, meaning no team wanted him in the first place from annual two-round picks.  Later on Golden State Warriors signed him, probably because he was a native Californian from San Francisco bay area.  Now youve known the stories that ensued: he was waived and then he went to New York Knicks where he created "Linsanity", so his days came.  Houston Rockets offered him a big contract, but he didnt acquit himself well in Houston due to various reasons.  He left there and became a middle-class player in L.A. Lakers and Charlotte Hornets where he demonstrated himself that he had been undervalued.  This year Brooklyn Nets gave him a lucrative contract and he became their point guard of starting lineup. 

Needless to say,  he must have worked very hard all the time, all the way to present status.  Thats the way a Chinese American should do if he or she wants to stand out among peers.  Nevertheless, unlike some black players, Lin is the kid from a Chinese family of tradition, and he must have been taught not to go astray under any circumstances, no matter of well-being or in difficult situation.  I guess someday when he retires from being a player, he may have the chance of becoming a successful NBA coach, or a capable politican, or a venerable missionary. 

P.S. I read another report the other day that Lin got a score of only 70 shy of full marks, i.e. 2400 in total, in SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test) when he applied for college entrance and Harvard accepted him.  All my goodness, do you really know how hard for a high school student to achieve that kind of performance in SAT?   

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reaizuguo*😻 忠言
華裔美人 Lin
2016/12/18 17:50

林書豪 call himself an Asian American all the time in public, never a Chinese American and I am not thrilled about that.  By the way, 華裔美人 is Chinese American not the other way around.

I suspect that Lin will have a relative short career span judging by his recent and previous injury recovery. The durability of his body is in doubt and we'll see.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-12-19 04:03 回覆:
Thank you for correcting me; you are right, it's "Chinese American" not the other way round. I think the reason why did Lin say he is an Asian American had been that "Asian" is officially and generally used as an ethnic category instead of the one further classifed as "Chinese", "Japanese", and so on. But he is a smart Harvard kid; for his own interest he must know how to give himself an appropriate identification in due course, e.g. during the publicity in China's Mainland.