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Nanjing, Nanjing.
2016/12/14 13:18:29瀏覽148|回應0|推薦1

79 years ago on today, 13rd day of December, Jap troops took then China's capital Nanjing and started six weeks' atrocious massacre on Chinese POWs and civilians.  Collateral damages are inevitable during any wars, but deliberate and planned genocide is blatantly a bestial war crime, even worse than beasts' because beasts won't do unnecessary killings.  Foolish Japaneses gave an indelible hurt and humiliation to China people, and they would never escape from the shadow of China's ruthless reprisal in due course should they dare have the silly notion of coveting things of China(including Taiwan) again. (Decades prior to 1937 when Qing army finally defeated Taiping Heaven Kingdom and seized Nanjing, the commander-in-chief of Qing, Zeng Guofan, ordered his soldiers, at least connived at such an order, to kill all Taiping soldiers, no quarter at all, just as brutal as Jap did years laters.  Zeng defended for himself that he did it with "霹靂手段" but in a bosom of "菩薩心腸".  I don't swallow his story, though he is an esteemed Confucian guru.  To me he is just a butcher.) 

Today I found an article online: “南京大屠杀和我有什么关系?”这个网友的回答亮了…… at http://www.toutiao.com/a6363579754188325121/.  But does it have anything to do with Ms. Iris Chang(張純如), an American-Chinese?  Please also refer to my previous writing "The Dirge for Iris Chang(張純如)" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/46600031.   

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