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2016/12/10 12:24:23瀏覽106|回應0|推薦1

Attached below is a documentary film produced by Americans over 70 years ago when China was their ally in WWII , and I did watch the film in an extra-curricular activity over 50 years ago when I was a high school student.  Certainly, as far as I can remember, the film I watched then had been somewhat revised, for example, the background music "Voluntary Army Marching Song" was replaced by "抗敵歌" and the voice-over was dubbed into Mandarin, should I remember correctly.  The activity was surely a part of patriotic education during Chiang's era; regretfully, such an education wasn't continuing, and now the social mindset in Taiwan had been totally distorted.   

Kindly view the film at:  http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzAzOTgyNQ==&mid=205196559&idx=1&sn=b86cb79417e6b6d780a06aac4e1a5ee8&scene=5&srcid=0812BHUkycsrroNitYCPDf5O#rd

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