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執拗吧, 台灣.
2016/11/25 07:01:10瀏覽295|回應0|推薦5

Maybe it is a dogmatic statement to assert that whatever China's Mainland is doing, Taiwan will be doing the other way round.  But there have been too many instances in supporting such seemingly perverse decisions made by Taiwan. 

China is the only country in the world that exerts an across-the-board ban on Japanese produce manufactured in radiation-contaminated areas, so besides hidden agenda Taiwan must do otherwise to show it is quite different from Mainland.  (Ironically, Mainland develops clean energy by building neclear plants, but Taiwan desparately rejects them.)  Apparently. China's Mainland won't allow gay marriage, so Taiwan has to heap praise on such a "human right" to demonstrate it is doing harder to cater to the so-called "universal value". 

Cai and DPP have utterly inherited Chiang regime's extremely morbid thoughts of anti-communism.  Under the auspices of America in resisting a then relatively weaker China, Taiwan could survive the time of Cold War; but now Taiwan boasts of what kind of residual value that could still attract America to protect it?    


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