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Will China take advantage of Trump's win?
2016/11/14 07:12:41瀏覽177|回應0|推薦5

In my previous writing "Practice what you preach---為人民服務", I concluded that America will be on a slippery slope no matter who is elected, Trump or Clinton.  Today I read an in-depth analysis online by 李晓鹏:"美式民主胜利了,而中国笑到最后" at http://www.guancha.cn/lixiaopeng/2016_11_12_380273_2.shtml.  Please read it if the topic interests you.

P.S. At any rate, whatever foreign policy Trump takes, economic or diplomatic, will have repercussions for Asia, including Taiwan.  Cai and her administration had better watch out.   


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