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Awe.....some Friends. 貓狗一家親
2013/08/04 12:07:06瀏覽100|回應1|推薦2

Retiredbum notes: 

In high school days I had a she-cat bearing great resemblance to the one in the attached pictures.  We were best friends to each other then: we slept together during winter days, she always sat quitely beside me whenever I was studying .  After school, I would repair to the market and buy her some cheap fishes for her, so she was well-fed and became a cat of amazon in kind.  she was so fierce like a feral cat when she was outside the house that every dog in the neighborhood feared her to death, which had been totally against the received wisdom that cats are always afraid of dogs.  So we started calling her Laoguai(literally: the old oddball) instead of giving her a feminine name. 


Troubles came.  We couldn't afford giving Laoguai an operation of spaying.  So into her adolescence, she would get pregnant at least twice a year, and, out of feline nature, she would pick a most inaccessible place to hide and to deliver her babies there.  It was fine with me, but I just couldn't help clean her "ward", so fleas, or lice whatever, were everywhere, which had inflicted severe rashes on everyone in the house.  My father just counldn't stand it any more, and demanded she be sent away.  I couldn't find her a new master; extremely reluctant and utterly bereft, I took her on a bike and road at least five kilometers away to desert her in a place across a long bridge. 


In a rainy night nearly a month later when I was working on my desk, out of nowhere Laoguai was standing at the window sill and through the glass she was miaowing pathetically but longingly at me.  How marvellous, she was back!  Even my father mavelled at her incredible odyssey of returning  home.  She had been since part of our family until her last days.  I miss you, Laoguai.

Awe........some Friends! 
Look carefully in each picture for the cat as it makes its way
down from the roof to the dog.  Then, check the explanation at the end.

The story behind this picture is this:
Every day - at the same time - she waits for him.
Sometimes she barks to call him.
He comes; they rub and greet each other
and they go for a walk. They have done
this for 5 years and no, they don’t belong to the
same owners. The owners didn’t know until
neighbors seeing them together so frequently
commented to the cat’s owner, who then followed
the dog home which was a distance away - not
in a house close or next door. How it started no
one knows.
Wouldn’t it be great to have friends like this - always
there, no words needed, they just intuitively
recognize the value of each other in their lives
and act accordingly.
Live, Laugh, Love!
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.
The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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2013/08/05 07:03

It is a very interesting and touching article.

I wonder who took those adorable pictures and it must be an ongoing story.

I also like the last few sentences.  They are really words of wisdom!

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-08-05 08:30 回覆:
Yes, you are right.  Maybe the owers of these adorable creatures would thus make friends to each other!