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The Summit
2013/06/11 00:16:13瀏覽41|回應0|推薦1

The Economist has a namesake article on the meeting between President Obama and President Xi Jinping in thses days.  The commentator said any attempt to restrain China from rising in 21st century would result in a similiar outcome as Europe countries did to Germany in 20th century: an inevitable war.  Since modern war would be more deadly nowadays; therefore, I think, the Economist suggests the "peaceful" rising of China will be inexorable and unstoppable. 

UDN news said today that Obama responded to Xi's request of US' terminating arms sales to Taiwan with a "soft" rejection.  But the Economist hinted that US may agree to minimize the sales provided China withdraws missile deployment in Fujian.   That means either the request or the rejection is a political formality, for everybody knows the missiles are highly moveable, so the reality is US will gradually reduce its arm sales to Taiwan while China may give a relatively friendly gesture to US and the islanders.

In the wake of the summit, President Xi will meet Mr. Wu, former Chairman of  KMT, in Beijing.  Listen carefully to what Xi may say, Mr. Wu and KMT, because by the time Xi's tenure is over in ten years later, Taiwan will not have had much stance on any issues.

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